Similar to the Large Cargo Bay modification, this adjustments increase the cargo space of a ship. It can be done with every ship and is limited to a maximum of three times per ship. Each time one ton worth of cargo space is gained. It also gets more expensive each time.
After I started a new game with Start Choices under the setting "harder" and flew my Adder through the depths of space for a while, a thought struck me: '2 tons of cargo space for the next 100h, huh? Well, I certainly got, what I asked for.'

Elite is not the game with the fastest pace out there, so a game phase, where things are going slowly is fine, but 100 HOURS. (I'm just guessing how many hours it would take to buy another ship, but damn...this is going to take forever.) There are things you can do. Upgrading to a mining laser, better shields, getting the fuel scoops, aso, but in the end of the day and the next one and the next... this should prove to be just too much for most players.

Here is the download link:
!!!Author's note: This version sadly contains a bug! Should the gained cargo space be used by equipment, it will temporally corrupt savegames. The savegames can be loaded and simply repaired, by removing the equipment again, but the gained cargo space will be gone. Use only for test reasons. Should be fixed in Oolite 1.83 and higher!!!
There is an Uninstall OXP available:
Additional Cargo Space Adjustments Uninstaller v1.0.0 OXZ
In case you need it, here's a chargo space cheating OXP. Again, as it stands now(Oolite v.1.82) everything will be reset after a savegame is loaded:
Or take a look into the wikipage itself:
Elite Wiki: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments
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