Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

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Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by ocz »

Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Similar to the Large Cargo Bay modification, this adjustments increase the cargo space of a ship. It can be done with every ship and is limited to a maximum of three times per ship. Each time one ton worth of cargo space is gained. It also gets more expensive each time.

After I started a new game with Start Choices under the setting "harder" and flew my Adder through the depths of space for a while, a thought struck me: '2 tons of cargo space for the next 100h, huh? Well, I certainly got, what I asked for.' :? (Later on I found out, that you can increase the cargo bay to 5t with the expansion, but this is another story.:oops: Though 5t isn't that much either and each bit helps.)
Elite is not the game with the fastest pace out there, so a game phase, where things are going slowly is fine, but 100 HOURS. (I'm just guessing how many hours it would take to buy another ship, but damn...this is going to take forever.) There are things you can do. Upgrading to a mining laser, better shields, getting the fuel scoops, aso, but in the end of the day and the next one and the next... this should prove to be just too much for most players.Other players were saying, that the Adder should get at least 5 tons of cargo space, as the Adders of the NPCs are getting them, too. Thankfully you can increase the cargo bay to 5t. :D This would be is enough for at least fitting a berth into it and overall I had to concur. Much more cargo space would be a gamebreaker though. Even an increase of 1 ton would help a lot to shave that hours off. And so the genius idea for this extention was born. Took me 5 seconds overall to think of it. (But a whole day to write this oxz.) Well, in many cases the best ideas are simple at their cores. End of story. Ohh, and it would also make a great extention for fighter class crafts like the Asp.

Here is the download link:
!!!Author's note: This version sadly contains a bug! Should the gained cargo space be used by equipment, it will temporally corrupt savegames. The savegames can be loaded and simply repaired, by removing the equipment again, but the gained cargo space will be gone. Use only for test reasons. Should be fixed in Oolite 1.83 and higher!!!

There is an Uninstall OXP available:
Additional Cargo Space Adjustments Uninstaller v1.0.0 OXZ

In case you need it, here's a chargo space cheating OXP. Again, as it stands now(Oolite v.1.82) everything will be reset after a savegame is loaded:

Or take a look into the wikipage itself:
Elite Wiki: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Last edited by ocz on Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:47 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by Cody »

Welcome aboard, Commander - straight into the darkside, eh?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by Smivs »

Hi ocz,
Great way to introduce yourself - welcome.
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by ffutures »

I'm a little confused since I don't know Start Choices; is this an add-on that adds an extra 1 ton of space for 100 hours in game time, e.g. three or four longish jumps, or am I misunderstanding completely.
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by ocz »

Thanks a bunch for the welcome.
Cody wrote:
Welcome aboard, Commander - straight into the darkside, eh?
Right into its heart. To fight the evils of scriptcode and overcome them. FOR PROFIT!
Smivs wrote:
Hi ocz,
Great way to introduce yourself - welcome.
Always intoduce yourself with a bang! Or at least with a present.
ffutures wrote:
I'm a little confused since I don't know Start Choices; is this an add-on that adds an extra 1 ton of space for 100 hours in game time, e.g. three or four longish jumps, or am I misunderstanding completely.
"Start Choises" lets you begin with other ships, equipment and sums of credits. "Harder" sends you out aboard an "Adder" (2t cargo space) instead the good'ol "Cobra MK.III" (20t cargo space), without a cent in your pocket and with not even a single drop of Witchdrive Fuel in the Adder's tank. It would take days to earn enough money to buy another ship.

As far as my Addon is concerned. It adds the option to buy 1t of cargo space for the pilots ship. It is limited to 3 times at most (adds up to 3t max) per ship and each purchase gets more expensive (500$,2500$,20000$ (20000$ for one additional ton of cargo space?!? :shock: Now really!) )
The first 2 tons should help a lot to shorten the time a player needs till he/she can buy a new ship.
I'm sorry, if I didn't expressed myself clearly enough. :oops:
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by ocz »

I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to post the inner mechanics of the Addon, so that people might point out (obvious) flaws in its design.

Here is the code:

Code: Select all

"use strict";			= "Additional Cargo Space Adjustments Script";			= "ocz";
this.copyright		= "2015 ocz";
this.licence		= "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";

this.playerBoughtEquipment = function(equipment) {
	if (equipment == "EQ_CARGOSPACEADJUST_1") {
		player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity += 1;
	if (equipment == "EQ_CARGOSPACEADJUST_2") {
		player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity += 1;
	if (equipment == "EQ_CARGOSPACEADJUST_3") {
		player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity += 1;
It's simple enough. Whenever you buy one of its stages, it will +1 the "max_cargo" value of your ship. This is also saved in the savegames. The Large Cargo Bay modification does the same by adding +15, therefore there isn't a confict either. It's gone, when you buy a new ship and that's alright, too. I thought about writing a checkup script, that, when the game would start and/or some other equipment would be bought, would look up the installed equipments and compare the value in case something tinkered with it and than correct it.
Than again this would be the kind of tinkering, that I fear other addons would do and this script should counteract. This script itself would be doing, what other shouldn't, and it would be at fault for adding incompatibilities. So I didn't implement it. The addon itself does seem to be stable enough, the way it is.
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by spara »

Hello ocz and welcome. If you're already using Start Choices, the Adder should be able to buy a 3tn cargo expansion. If that's not so, there's a bug somewhere :( .
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by ocz »

spara wrote:
Hello ocz and welcome.
Well, hello and thanks!
spara wrote:
If you're already using Start Choices, the Adder should be able to buy a 3tn cargo expansion. If that's not so, there's a bug somewhere :( .
The Large Cargo Bay. Yupp. found it. It's there. No bug. :oops:
In this case the only thing, that derives profit from my OXP, is the Asp and people, who really want that few extra cargo space units, but don't want them to come cheap.

Btw. Loving your OXP Start Choices so far. (Even if it's sometimes driving me nuts. The "Large Cargo Bay" should help a bit in this case anyway.) Have you thought about making the Sidewinder available for Players (not as starting option, but for purchase)?
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by Venator Dha »

ocz wrote:
Have you thought about making the Sidewinder available for Players (not as starting option, but for purchase)?
[wiki]Illicit Unlock OXP[/wiki] is what you want :D
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by Smivs »

ocz wrote:
... making the Sidewinder available for Players?
It's big brother, the Sidewinder-X is available to players, and is a surprisingly good fly.
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Re: Additional Cargo Space Adjustments

Post by Cholmondely »

Does this OXP now work?

OCZ implies on the wiki page that it was buggy at the time but that newer versions of Oolite would debug it.
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