I like YAH ads, but the way YAH OXP adds them to the Ooniverse is a bit too much for me. Those huge rotating ad screens just don't cut it for me. So here's a different take. I think it would be much more logical that the screens would be attached to the station rather than floating around. At this point I'm just mocking around testing different solutions.
So far I have added one ad inside the dock and one to the front of the station and scripting that keeps changing the ads. Dockside ad adds nicely some detail to the dock making it more alive and the front ad is, well, a front ad giving something to watch while waiting in a queue. Both ad screens are way smaller than the original ones, somewhat making them less dominating.
The models I've been using have been stripped and scaled from YAH.
Here are two pics with and without ZygiUgos cinematics.
Last edited by spara on Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Visually very nice, Spara-- very reminiscent of the docking bay ads from Frontier, and the interior ad is even in about the same spot (which makes sense, as it's the logical place to put it). The ads continually changing is much more dynamic than the YAH billboards, too. Nice idea!
Reports of my death have been greatly underestimated.
You need a few Wanted posters mixed in with the ads - something that I think was mentioned when YAH was first being done.
GalCop's most wanted list, perhaps? Some miscreants like that CaptSolo - a right villain, he is!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
You really can be a tease at times spara ....Any Sign of a Beta release yet ?
My pleasure. I'm quite content with Coriolis station, so Dodo and Ico to go. I want them all to be a little different. At least the dock-side ad will be positioned differently. I'm aiming for a full release. Release hopefully in a week, assuming I have time to spare, working week and all.
Cody wrote:
You need a few Wanted posters mixed in with the ads - something that I think was mentioned when YAH was first being done.
GalCop's most wanted list, perhaps? Some miscreants like that CaptSolo - a right villain, he is!
That would be quite cool. I'm no artist though, so it's up to more talented people to do more ads.
As a side product, I've written a pooling ad service that can be used by any OXP. It has over 400 selected ads (from YAH and YAH thread) in rotation and the idea is that different OXPs using the ad pool won't be showing the same ads at the same time.
Could I suggest that it might be a good idea to vary this from station to station - e.g. some stations don't have ads at all, others are festooned with the things on every flat surface, with the usual thing being one or two ads at most. And it would be good if the placement stayed the same at each station - say I leave a station for a two hour flight to the next system then go straight back there, it would be odd if the ads had changed position or something while I was gone.
You need a few Wanted posters mixed in with the ads - something that I think was mentioned when YAH was first being done.
GalCop's most wanted list, perhaps? Some miscreants like that CaptSolo - a right villain, he is!
See what happens when you come up with new ideas for the game? You get bombarded with even more. Then some individuals use them to divert attention away from their own nefarious associations, casting instead upon innocent role players like myself.
Could I suggest that it might be a good idea to vary this from station to station - e.g. some stations don't have ads at all, others are festooned with the things on every flat surface, with the usual thing being one or two ads at most. And it would be good if the placement stayed the same at each station - say I leave a station for a two hour flight to the next system then go straight back there, it would be odd if the ads had changed position or something while I was gone.
If this were done, it would make sense for the most ad-incrusted stations to be in corporate systems, with democracies and confederacies not far behind. Communist systems might not even have ads at all.
Reports of my death have been greatly underestimated.
If this were done, it would make sense for the most ad-incrusted stations to be in corporate systems, with democracies and confederacies not far behind. Communist systems might not even have ads at all.
Apart from the great motivational posters in commies.
Nice ideas , I'll need to mull them over a bit ands see how feasible they are. Keep them coming. Ico's is done, only dodo to go for the first fully working version.
If this were done, it would make sense for the most ad-incrusted stations to be in corporate systems, with democracies and confederacies not far behind. Communist systems might not even have ads at all.
Apart from the great motivational posters in commies.
Yes, exactly-- Commies have their own billboards. My personal game is set up to have YAH billboards in Corporate systems (Capitalist propaganda!) and Commies installed for their special set of billboards (Communist propaganda!), and we spacers get to laugh at both competing ideologies.
Now that I think about it, Spara could make this OXP 'Commies Lite', and skim off the half-dozen or so posters from that OXP for the players who don't necessarily want the rest installed. Add the billboards to the commie stations anyway but only have them select from a special list of propaganda displays, and only those get shown.
Reports of my death have been greatly underestimated.
I like the idea. If there is anything boring in Oolite it's the fact that most planets have exactly the same Coriolis station. And you spend a lot of time looking at them while waiting for docking clearance! I'd like to have some variations with the three core types, and I thought about making variants of the texture, but ads would do the trick too. (I wonder what kind of ads you would find in feudal systems or anarchies... ).
"You wouldn't kill me just for a few credits, would you?" – "No, I'll do it just for the fun!"
I like the idea. If there is anything boring in Oolite it's the fact that most planets have exactly the same Coriolis station. And you spend a lot of time looking at them while waiting for docking clearance! I'd like to have some variations with the three core types, and I thought about making variants of the texture, but ads would do the trick too. (I wonder what kind of ads you would find in feudal systems or anarchies... ).
That could be a good add-on to YAH, anyways... billboards not only for commercials. Well, apart from the corporate states, anyhow...