Xenon HUD

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Xenon HUD

Post by phkb »

The Xenon HUD has just been released. Here's a screenshot of the HUD in action:


This HUD puts most of the important scales (fuel, speed, laser temp, fore/aft shields and energy) around the crosshairs, but with a low alpha and a uniform colour to avoid distractions when fighting. It also moves other HUD elements to the edges of the screen, rather than grouping them around the scanner.

There are three different HUD files which are used during flight. The main HUD is the standard one containing all the crosshair information. The second one is used when a GUI screen is brought up during flight. This secondary HUD gathers all the gauges and displays them in the bottom left while the GUI is open. The third HUD is a hi-contrast version of the main HUD (see below).

This OXP requires Oolite version 1.82 or higher.

Feature Summary
  • Centralised gauges around the crosshairs and giving them a uniform colour (except in alert conditions).
  • Fixes bug with witchspace destination labels - next jump destination is now shown, not the final destination.
  • Docked and inflight GUI huds.
  • New crosshair images for each weapon type.
  • Works with 16:10 and 16:9 format displays.
  • Allows 3rd party laser OXP's to configure the crosshairs.
  • Automatic 40% glare reduction on all views (compatible with Glare Clarifier and Glare Filter).
  • Automatically hides the HUD when an external view is selected, and unhides it when a standard view is selected.
  • Implements the "allow_big_gui" option to maximise GUI interface screen real-estate when docked.
  • Primable equipment allows HUD to be switched to "hi-contrast" mode, which is useful when sun-skimming.
  • Compatible with HUD Selector.
Wiki has all the details, including examples of all the different crosshair images, and code for making use of crosshairs by 3rd party laser OXP's: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Xenon_HUD

Available via the download manager.
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Wildeblood »

Okay, if you're using image files to fake cross-hairs with smooth curves, how are you dealing with the real cross-hairs!? Does this HUD break all my cross-hair related OXPs?
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by phkb »

Basically you end up with two crosshairs. Here's an example of the Xenon Beam Laser crosshairs with the Shieldtastic OXP:

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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Tichy »

Looks very cool! :shock:
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Grey Area »

I like this a lot, particularly the switchable high-contrast display.

Well done. :)
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Redspear »

I like those crosshairs 8)
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Diziet Sma »

Nice! 8)
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Tichy »

When I'm flying, if I pause the game and then press F2, I still see the hud in front of the options screen
Is there a way to hide it?
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Norby »

Tichy wrote:
Is there a way to hide it?
Checking for GUI_SCREEN_OPTIONS in guiScreenChanged is not working in pause but you can hide these for the whole pause since Oolite 1.81. A drastical example:

Code: Select all

this.gamePaused = function() {
  player.ship.hudHidden = true;

this.gameResumed = function() {
  player.ship.hudHidden = false;
To hide elements near the center only: apply requires_equipment on these and award-remove the controller eq in the quoted pause event handlers.
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by phkb »

I had thought that "viewscreen_only" would be sufficient for this, but it obviously doesn't work on the pause screen. Fix on the way.

Edit: Okay, new version 1.1 is up, which fixes the pause/F2 screen issue. And because of the fix for that issue, I have now added an extra feature, to be able to switch all the crosshair gauges off in some conditions. You can have the crosshair and gauges only turn on in condition red, or in condition yellow/red, or in all conditions. If you like your screen clutter free then these modes can help. Wiki page has all the details, download via the manager or from the Wiki.
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by Tichy »

phkb wrote:
Edit: Okay, new version 1.1 is up, which fixes the pause/F2 screen issue. And because of the fix for that issue, I have now added an extra feature, to be able to switch all the crosshair gauges off in some conditions. You can have the crosshair and gauges only turn on in condition red, or in condition yellow/red, or in all conditions. If you like your screen clutter free then these modes can help. Wiki page has all the details, download via the manager or from the Wiki.
You read my mind! A clutter free hud in green condition is a thing that I thought was lacking :mrgreen:
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by gsagostinho »

I just started using this HUD and I absolutely love it!
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by ffutures »

Interesting, but the scanner looks a bit small.
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by phkb »

ffutures wrote:
but the scanner looks a bit small.
I didn't want to make the scanner too large to maximize the viewing area. The scanner itself is rather shamelessly ripped from the Coluber HUD CH01. I felt that size has enough width and height to provide enough detail without being too cramped.
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Re: Xenon HUD

Post by phkb »

Version 1.2.0 of the Xenon HUD has just been released. In this version:
  • Added a special HUD mode for docking, where most gauges are hidden, leaving only a simple crosshair and the speed gauge to aid in the docking process.
  • Fixed issue where pausing and the resuming the game would not select the correct crosshair mode.
  • Removed debug message.
  • Removed redundant code from plist files.
  • Made more compatible with HUD Vanisher.
  • Added additional crosshair type (alt5).
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