[RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

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[RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

Hi all,

I have written (read: copy-pasted) an OXP to add Status Quo to the Ship's Library.
It is available from the in game package manager or the wiki page, which will be made and linked to as soon as I can load the wiki. (Does it always do this?)

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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

Here's the wiki page: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Ship_L ... Status_Quo

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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by maik »

Ramen wrote:
Does it always do this?
What does it do?
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

Mainly doesn't load pages seemingly arbitrarily. I thought it might be the backup process, but it wasn't the right time for that.
It's annoying, but not dehabilitating.
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by maik »

Ramen wrote:
Mainly doesn't load pages seemingly arbitrarily. I thought it might be the backup process, but it wasn't the right time for that.
It's annoying, but not dehabilitating.
I can investigate if you PM me next time it happens and let me know which page didn't load at what time, and also a bit more detail about what does happen (error message, browser hanging...)
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

Alright. I will do this. To my knowledge you are the wiki admin right? Can't really refuse helping now can I? :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by maik »

Ramen wrote:
Alright. I will do this. To my knowledge you are the wiki admin right? Can't really refuse helping now can I? :)
Of course you can ;-)
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

My morality would conflict with that course of action.
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Obsidian »

Finally reading Status Quo, and thanks to Ship'sLibrary(not listed on the OXP list?) I've been able to read several pages each time I'm mass-locked. Has saved a couple of honest traders from vaporization; I'm sure they're hoping Mutabilis becomes available before I'm finished. :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

I actually emailed Drew Wagar about that, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
I suppose I will talk to him again if he doesn't get back in about a week.

See you around,


I suppose I should go into how I made this OXP. Unlike my other OXP, Hyperspace Hangar, this OXP was made by a relatively braindead process.
It goes like this: 1) Email Drew for plaintext, obtain. 2) download another book (Extracts from the Tre Clan. By the way, thanks cim!) 3) copypastecopypastcopypaste 4) Iron out bugs and special characters that won't display. 5) Release
The reason I am providing this information is that I realized that the talk of Mr. Wagar could cause some confusion.
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Obsidian »

Thanks for the explanation. I'd volunteer to do Ship'sLibrary grunt work, but then I wouldn't get to read the stuff in my new preferred format. :mrgreen:

I have a vague notion of adding to the body of Oolite fiction, which I will pursue after finishing at least the Oolite Saga. I'll probably first read the TreClan Extracts as well, since I can do that from an MFD. I'll make sure to do the copypastecopypastcopypaste on that myself if it's ever Ship'sLibrary bound; I have to find some place to pull a little weight with so many folks contributing to an Oolite that keeps getting better as time marches along.
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Ramen »

Extracts of the Tre Clan is already in ship's library format. It's on the expansion manager.
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by Obsidian »

Ramen wrote:
Extracts of the Tre Clan is already in ship's library format. It's on the expansion manager.
:oops: Sorry, I was unclear. I meant I would write an original Oolite story, but likely after reading some other stuff (including Tre Clan, which I can tackle while mass-locked).
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Re: [RELEASE] Status Quo Ship's Library Book OXP

Post by private_lock »

Thanks for the in game version. I found only a few little typos:

Code: Select all

$ diff missiontext.plist.1.0.0 missiontext.plist.new 
<       He locked a missile on target, choosing one of the the ECM proof 'hard heads' - expensive, but effective. He'd make an embarrassing amount of profit on this trip, he had money to burn. He thumbed the coder release. 
>       He locked a missile on target, choosing one of the ECM proof 'hard heads' - expensive, but effective. He'd make an embarrassing amount of profit on this trip, he had money to burn. He thumbed the coder release. 
<       An Üsber-bomb.
>       An Über-bomb.
<       He shook his head in amazement at her attitude, was it typical of traders? Perhaps it was. Maybe living they way the did made them selfish and self-obsessed, unconcerned with the fate of those around them.
>       He shook his head in amazement at her attitude, was it typical of traders? Perhaps it was. Maybe living the way they did made them selfish and self-obsessed, unconcerned with the fate of those around them.
<       Rebecca rolled the SuperCobra out of the fight and down towards the moon. The mine was still visible as a flashing dot on the scanner.  She brought the ship in fast and the decelerated harshly. They heard the sound of the tractor sucking the mine towards them.
>       Rebecca rolled the SuperCobra out of the fight and down towards the moon. The mine was still visible as a flashing dot on the scanner.  She brought the ship in fast and then decelerated harshly. They heard the sound of the tractor sucking the mine towards them.
<       'That rather depends on you. I am rather afraid that Tyley and Feynman must silenced. They know too much.'
>       'That rather depends on you. I am rather afraid that Tyley and Feynman must be silenced. They know too much.'
<       Oolite will need little introduction to those of you who have played it. Suffice to say, here is what Elite would have been if the technology of the 1980s had been up to it. Better graphics for sure, but the same open ended gameplay. Crucially now, players have the ability to generate their own content for the 'Ooniverse'. Aspects of the original manual (Generations and Space Dredgers for example) now exist in Oolite. The Tionisla graveyard from the The Dark Wheel is now a real place. There are new ships, new missions, new places to go. The Ooniverse is as big as the imaginations of the people who create it.
>       Oolite will need little introduction to those of you who have played it. Suffice to say, here is what Elite would have been if the technology of the 1980s had been up to it. Better graphics for sure, but the same open ended gameplay. Crucially now, players have the ability to generate their own content for the 'Ooniverse'. Aspects of the original manual (Generations and Space Dredgers for example) now exist in Oolite. The Tionisla graveyard from 'The Dark Wheel' is now a real place. There are new ships, new missions, new places to go. The Ooniverse is as big as the imaginations of the people who create it.
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