- The ability to re-read emails after you receive them
- The ability to analyse the trace of an email (ie, the path the email took to reach the player).
You can download version 1.7.1 here: https://app.box.com/s/jb3rzelnmao1xroh9rb2jhjr8esnhk06
To install, unzip the OXP to your AddOns folder.
You can download an OXZ version here: https://app.box.com/s/hzzcwz0mzvst41h3p5q90250xihdw3aj
Save this file directly into your AddOns folder.
You can also download this via the Expansion Manager.
Click here to visit the wiki page.
The readme file in the OXP package has all the details about how to use the system.
As part of the system, the player will start receiving emails from GALCOP and other entities, confirming actions that have taken place.
In 1.80, the player will receive email confirmations for the following events:
- docking without clearance
- bounty payments
- fine payments
- starting and completing contracts (cargo, passenger and parcel)
- rescuing escape pods
Here are some screenshots of the system in game:

The OXP has a readme which includes examples on how to make use of the email system in other OXP's. For a simple example:
Code: Select all
w = worldScripts.EmailSystem;
w.$createEmail({sender:"Captain Solo", // senders name or email address
subject:"I've got a bad feeling about this", // subject line
date:global.clock.seconds, // the time the email was sent
message:"I thought they smelled bad on the outside." // body text of the email
Comments welcome!