Columns in missionText

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Columns in missionText

Post by phkb »

Is it possible to format the missionText of a mission screen into columns, using (for instance) tab characters? I know I can insert spaces, but missionText is proportionally spaced, isn't it? So using spaces would result in ragged columns.
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Re: Columns in missionText

Post by cim »

Tabs don't work (yet - it's been requested) but the String.fromCharCode(31) character is an extremely narrow space which can be used (together with normal spaces) for alignment.

This is how the columns on the contract offer screens are lined up. The _paddingText function in oolite-contracts-helpers.js does most of the work, and you could use that from your own scripts.
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Re: Columns in missionText

Post by phkb »

Thanks, cim. Wonderful help, as usual!
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