This can be frustrating, I know!
The 'chance = 1' does two things - it maximises the chance of a ship appearing in the shipyard (but does not guarantee it) and also maximises the chance of optional equipment to be fitted to the 'for sale' example. TL 1 will also maximise the chance of the ship appearing, but again will not ensure this. You may need to try a few shipyards before you find one of yours - try middle-rank systems like TL8,9 etc as they often seem to have more ships available.
BTW you are limiting optional equipment - this is what is made available to the ship from the ouitfitters as well as what it might already have fitted when bought. At the moment you will only be able to buy Docking Computers and Fuel Injectors. A full (I think) list of options is here.
Code: Select all
"optional_equipment" =
If you want items fitted as standard (my guess is that you want the ship to come with Docking Computers and Fuel Injectors), then these should be added to 'Extras' in the shipyard.plist, thus
Code: Select all
"standard_equipment" =
extras =
"forward_weapon_type" = "EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
missiles = 3;
Disclaimer:- any errors or inaccuracies in this post can be blamed on the holiday spirit <slurp>