Miner Cobra OXP is a small product by me, here is the readme which explain the reasons:
"New commanders often wants more cargo space for trading or mining. The stock Cobra MkIII is a large ship which can hold 75t cargo after a reconstruction for the following tradeoffs:
-one less energy bank (3),
-one less energy generator (3),
-two less missile pylon (2),
-no side laser mounts,
-no further cargo bay extension.
Equipped with a Mining Laser and a Fuel Scoop to make money from asteroids.
Costs only 107000 credits which mean any commander can get it in exchange for a stock Cobra MkIII."
spud42 wrote:If i could sell all those passenger bays
You can and you will receive 1500 credits. Buying them costs 15*825=12375 credits. These equipments are added by the core game, I think calculated well and you was enough lucky to get all of these. A stock Cobra3 costs 150000 credits in shipyard.pist, so the ship in your screenshot surely equipped well also.
Miner Cobra has not an OXZ version yet but if we found out an acceptable balance then I can make it.