this work in process aims to provide some of Griff's other extra or alternate vessels (and maybe accessories like the new rocks, later) to go along with the new v1.80 shipsset on computers without a shader capable graphics card..
After my first miserable tries to understand how these textures are to be recomposed I had contacted "Captain Solo", whose Griff's no shaders ships are used as default in Oolite, nowadays. He was so kind to help me to sort things out, gave me a detailed instruction how to convert/combine the original marvelous textures, so they work out on low-end machines like mine. I just changed a few things to add the engine glows and such, too.
So most credits have to go to Captain Solo who helped me tremendously how to compose Griff's awesome textures to no shadered ones, and of course to Griff for his great ship designs. My only work was merely some GIMP work and some simple shipdata/shipyard editing.
without much further ado:
* Missing coreships:
Fer-de-Lance, old variant
Cobra MK3, default scuffed variant
second variant Python from Oolite default shipset now made player buyable
organic Thargoids and Tharglets, NPC-only
Gecko, normal variant, NPC-only
Sidewinder from Oolite default shipset now made player buyable
* Alternates:
alternate Cobra MK3, scuffed and clean variant, with alternative start choices (inspired by startchoices by spara).
alternate Cobra MK1, older scuffed texture and the current clean one
alternate Mamba
alternate Fer-de-Lance
alternate GALCOP Viper (NPC only)
* Extras:
Elite2 Griffin MK1
Amiga Elite Wolf MK2
Elite2 Bug, two variants, older scuffed texture and newer clean one
Gnat, light/dark and dark/light
Hognose (NPCs only)
* Accessories:
various asteroids, boulders and splinters
* Other
Dertien's Z_Groovy Viper Raider
Dertien's Z_Groovy Cobra AC
Dertien's Z_Groovy SML and systemstations
Dertien's Z_Groovy Sidewinder Variety Pack
Dertien's Z_Groovy YellOo Cab Moray Starboat
Dertien's Z_Groovy Cobra Mark III Variety Pack
Changelog and screenshots are now updated on the
All currently converted ships can be downloaded as individual OXPs on my box account, OXZs available via the ingame expansion manager.
Commanders using the testing versions are adviced to update to the realease versions, too. Have fun.