RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

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RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by Paradox »

D.T.T. War Lance


Considered the "Big Brother" of the D.T.T. Tomahawk, the D.T.T. War Lance not only handles much more cargo, it pack a punch with 4 weapon positions. The War Lance was built to compete with the Boa Mk 2, and can be considered a respectable upgrade.

Oh, and did we mention the sexy pin-up girl on the side? };]

OXP version available HERE: ...

OXZ version available in game or from the wiki linked in my signature. (Thanks again Dizzy!)

Original texture template and .obj/.mtl files are included in the extras folder. Original photoshop files available on request.

Length 145m
Width 39.4m
Height 22.5m

energy_recharge_rate = 3.3;
max_cargo = 180;
max_energy = 530;
max_flight_pitch = 1.0;
max_flight_roll = 2.5;
max_flight_yaw = 1.0;
max_flight_speed = 315;
max_missiles = 8;
thrust = 42;

Price 500,000
Tech lvl 7 and up.

To install, just unzip and place the .oxp folder into your AddOns folder.

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 license yada yada yada... I HIGHLY encourage you to change/modify this ship to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original mesh/texture. Thanks and enjoy!

Thanks to Diziet Sma, Vice President in charge of Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising, as well as janitorial duties. };]

Now, if you'll pardon me, I need to get back to writing my story!

[email protected]
Last edited by Paradox on Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by Diziet Sma »

OXZ-ified and added to the wiki..

<wanders of in search of a mop and bucket> :wink:
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by Redspear »

I'd say it's a visual upgrade on the Tomahawk too. Nicely done.

The D.T.T. collection is growing nicely 8)
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Re: RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by Paradox »

Diziet Sma wrote:
OXZ-ified and added to the wiki..

<wanders of in search of a mop and bucket> :wink:
Thank you Dizzy! Good boy! };]
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Re: RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by Paradox »

Redspear wrote:
I'd say it's a visual upgrade on the Tomahawk too. Nicely done.

The D.T.T. collection is growing nicely 8)
Thank you Redspear. I think it is funny to look back on my ship collection to see how my "style" has changed and improved with each iteration.
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Re: RELEASE: D.T.T. War Lance 1.0 July 18 2014

Post by MrFlibble »

I started using this ship about a month ago. Great!

Unfortunately it's got an issue with Towbar OXP when towing. Rear view is down the pipe of the towbar, and external rear view is up the towbar.

I tweaked the OXP to get around that thus:

In Config/shipdata.plist, I've raised the y axis on rear view, and custom views rear

Code: Select all

    custom_views =
                view_description = "Rear View";
                view_orientation = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0";
                view_position = "0.0 3.4 -200.0";
                weapon_facing = "FORWARD";
The edit there being : view_position = "0.0 3.4 -200.0";

and near the bottom I matched the y to front view:

Code: Select all

    view_position_aft = "0.0 3.4361 -57.8087";
Perhaps this is worth a review from the architect, and a 1.1 release.

Edit: If tweaking this ship is not an option, Towbar has a config option to make it invisible, as Nite Owl points out in viewtopic.php?p=295060#p295060
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