[Release] OrangED HUD

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[Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

Get it from my Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ow7gp0ns9ygfx ... ED-HUD.zip

It's based off my own Cyan HUD.

[*] big scanner
[*] up to 4 MFDs
[*] orange color
[*] multiple status lights
[*] horizontal partially numeric shield readouts
[*] orange color for top dial, blue for medium, red for low, except for fuel (inverted for speed & cabin temp)

Sneak peek:
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Again a very nice hud, looks cool! 8)

I took a look at the code to figure out the syntax for the key to change the color of the dials. I completely misunderstood the description in the wiki so till today canging the colors of the dials nerver worked in my hud desingns. :roll: Now I know how it works. :D
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

Can you tell what was the inspiration?

I'd have loved vertical dials and pack them on the right side, but then making some sort of a numeric display would be really difficult - either using images, as in your CB HUD, or by wrangling the Detector OXP code....
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Zireael wrote:
Can you tell what was the inspiration?
Currently I´m tinkering around with a shield dial that shows different colors depending on the installed shield enhancements. I saw the blue dials in your hud an took a look at the hud.plist to find out how this works. But real life is keeping me very busy at the moment, so it will take time until the new hud is completed.
Zireael wrote:
I'd have loved vertical dials and pack them on the right side, but then making some sort of a numeric display would be really difficult - either using images, as in your CB HUD, or by wrangling the Detector OXP code....
I think drawing scales for a vertical dial is possible only by defining the proper legends in the hud.plist. The vertical scale I´m thinking of would require multiple similar entries with increasing y-coodrinates in the legends section of the hud.plist, I guess about 10-20 instead of the 1 or 2 for a horizontal scale. But as I said already I think it is possible.
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

I can admit I didn't think of varying the colors depending on equipment, the only vague idea I had was changing the color of the shield that was getting hit.
Something about a script that flashed the shield bar in a different color if current value < value a turn ago. But I'm not a master of JS and I've left for hols now. :(
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

This HUD is now available via the OXZ manager.
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by ffutures »

For some reason I can't get this to download, it's now failed several times.

later - forgot to say this is under Windows 7 64-bit.

and I think the latest.log entry for this is

00:18:18.147 [oxz.manager.error]: Downloaded OXZ does not contain a manifest.plist, has been left in C:\Oolite/oolite.app/GNUstep/Library/Caches/org.aegidian.oolite/Oolite-download.oxz
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Diziet Sma »

ffutures wrote:
the latest.log entry for this is

00:18:18.147 [oxz.manager.error]: Downloaded OXZ does not contain a manifest.plist, has been left in C:\Oolite/oolite.app/GNUstep/Library/Caches/org.aegidian.oolite/Oolite-download.oxz
This is the old "all the files are nested inside an un-wanted folder" problem, rearing its' ugly head again.

See step 4 of the OXZ Guide.
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

I followed point 4 to the letter, zipping up the contents of the oxp folder ... dunno what happened.
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Diziet Sma »

My apologies.. you certainly did.. however..

Here's two similar internal manifest.plists..

Code: Select all

"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.zireael.oranged-hud";
"required_oolite_version" = "1.79";
"title" = "OrangED HUD";
"version" = "0.1";
"category" = "HUD";
"description" = "An orange-blue HUD inspired by a certain game.";

Code: Select all

	"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Aegidean.CompactHUD";
	"required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
	"title" = "CompactHUD";
	"version" = "1.3";
	"category" = "HUDs";
	"description" = "Aegidean's CompactHUD, now with two MFDs, and the non-linear scanner and ultrazoom scanner features enabled.";
Do you see the difference in the first and last lines of each? :wink:
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

Indeed, I do. The manifest.plist Wiki page neglected to point out the need to have the brackets!

EDIT: All fix'd now.
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by ffutures »

Sorry to say it's still failing - the version no. now shows as 0.1.1 but it fails to install in apparently the same way.

17:34:05.405 [oxz.manager.error]: Downloaded OXZ does not contain a manifest.plist, has been left in C:\Oolite/oolite.app/GNUstep/Library/Caches/org.aegidian.oolite/Oolite-download.oxz
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »


That's really weird, as there's a manifest.plist and the brackets are in and it's identical with the plist on the site.

Any ideas?
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by cim »

Your download URL is http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/File:O ... _0.1.1.oxz
That is not an OXZ file, it's a page which tells you where an OXZ file is, and Oolite isn't sophisticated enough (by a long way) to figure it out.

Change the download URL to http://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/5/5 ... _0.1.1.oxz
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Re: [Release] OrangED HUD

Post by Zireael »

Thanks a lot, will fix it tomorrow... Too many pitfalls in total :P
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