Length 145m
Width 39.4m
Height 22.5m
energy_recharge_rate = 3.2;
max_cargo = 140;
max_energy = 455;
max_flight_pitch = 1.0;
max_flight_roll = 2.0;
max_flight_yaw = 1.0;
max_flight_speed = 260;
max_missiles = 6;
thrust = 38;
Price 185,000
Tech lvl 7 and up.
Sorry, no story to go with this one right now. I simply don't have the energy to think one up.

OXP is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/m1euq ... .0.oxp.zip
The OXZ version will be available whenever Dizzy feels like putting it up. };]
I have 3 more ships modeled, hopefully will get around to getting those out as well.