[RELEASED] - Typhoon class freighter

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[RELEASED] - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Sopornian Shipbuilding Factory presents new age of the long haul transport era - the mighty Typhoon class heavy freighter. Unarmed, equiped with 6 giant supercharged engines licenced by General OOtrics & KuznetsOOv can easy accelerate to 0.6 LM with cargo 300 tons. For long trips across the chart commander can use 16 external fuel tanks (more info at http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Fuel_Tank) for exted range of his ship, or use 16 missiles for defence in the dangerous systems.


Download :
Last edited by V12 on Sun May 04, 2014 8:38 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Looks very nice! Good work! :)

I guess the superior speed will keep this vessel out of most trouble as there is only a handful of ships fast enough to keep up with it. A Fer de Lance NG would be a predestinated escort fighter for a Typhoon.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by Yah-Ta-Hey »

Yup, quite a nice ship.... sleek, fast and nearly uncatchable........ Curses!!!! You just made my job that much harder to do.... Do you have any idea of how frustrating it is to watch 500 tons of free cargo slip away while I have to eat it's Space exhaust???? :(
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

- Typhoon, You are cleared to leave Riedquat ATC space
- Typhoon to Riedquat ATC - Thank You & Bye bye !
- Engine room : All ahead flank !

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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Houston, we have problem !
Without docking computers Typhoon can't dock in small stations :( I rescaled model with factor 0.6, now, the cargo capacity is 300 tons.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by SirArian »

V12 wrote:
Houston, we have problem !
Without docking computers Typhoon can't dock in small stations :( I rescaled model with factor 0.6, now, the cargo capacity is 300 tons.
Have you tried? From what I can see of it, the front section could be long enough that you could touch the back wall of the docking port without the back end scraping, so you may be able to dock even though the engines are too big.
Or you could just make docking computers standard... :D Or, if it is an NPC ship only, there is an OXP that makes it so that you can set it to not try to dock. It will fly around, but it won't ever dock, so you don't have to worry about it crashing.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Yes, I made much trial dock maneuvers, without succes. After downize the model I was able dock without problems.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by SirArian »

Okay. Just wanted to make sure. :mrgreen: If you need a test pilot, I would be happy to test it. :wink: I love flying new ships.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

OK, no problem. Now, I'm tweaking with materials and tuning some small details.

Updated first post - added download link.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by SirArian »

I downloaded it, and have a few notes. I hope these are helpful to you!

1. It will never appear as a NPC ship. I don't know if you did this on purpose, but with the current Shipdata.plist, it is only a player ship. ("roles" is set to player on both Typhoon and Typhoon-player.)

2. Your model is off center. Usually it is considered best to have the center of the model as close to 0, 0, 0 as possible, to keep it from spinning oddly. For example, it will swing around, with the axis behind the ship on the shipyard screen. Also, this will cause the Scanner Targeting Enhancement to make a box that is rather a lot larger than the ship itself.

3. You might make the NPC version have a few more missiles. With only 3 missiles, it would be rather easy prey for a strong and/or skilled ship. Either that, or it needs some escorts. And they would have to be fast, or else the Typhoon would slow down to keep pace with the escorts.

4. You have it so that the Typhoon can have a Mining laser (which I think makes sense) but you also have it so that there are no weapon mounts, by setting "weapon_facings" to 0.

I think I am going to make some edits to my copy... I will make "Typhoon" NPC, and add some of my SKS Light ship as escorts. I don't want to mess with the model right now, so I'll just leave it. :mrgreen: I'll also set it so that weapon_facings is 1, and take out the EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER as the forward weapon type.

If I notice anything else, I'll let you know. :D\

edit: You can't see anything out of the port or starboard views...
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Thanx for comments.

1. Corrected - Typhoon NPC has role "trader", but I can't see it on space lanes. Where is problem ?
2. I will correct it
3. Corrected - NPC ship has 4 missiles
4. I don't want any weapons except 4 missiles

Here is corrected shipdata.plist :

Code: Select all

"Typhoon" = 
        aft_eject_position = "0.0 -11.67278 -33.949939";                
        energy_recharge_rate = 5;
        exhaust = ("-11 11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","11 11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","-15.5 0 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","15.5 0 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","-11 -11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","11 -11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0");
        forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        max_cargo = 300;
        max_energy = 640;
        max_flight_pitch = 1;
        max_flight_roll = 1;
        max_flight_speed = 600;
        max_missiles = 4;
        missile_launch_position = "0 8 150";
        missiles = 4;           
        model = "typhoon.dat"; 
        name = "Typhoon class freighter";
        roles = "trader";
        smooth = "false";               
        thrust = 50;
        aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        port_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        starboard_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";

"Typhoon-player" = 
        aft_eject_position = "0.0 -11.67278 -33.949939";                
        energy_recharge_rate = 5;
        exhaust = ("-11 11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","11 11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","-15.5 0 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","15.5 0 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","-11 -11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0","11 -11 11 5.0 4.0 8.0");
        forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        max_cargo = 300;
        max_energy = 640;
        max_flight_pitch = 1;
        max_flight_roll = 1;
        max_flight_speed = 600;
        max_missiles = 16;
        missile_launch_position = "0 8 150";
        missiles = 3;           
        model = "typhoon.dat"; 
        name = "Typhoon class freighter";
        roles = "player";
        smooth = "false";               
        thrust = 50;
        aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        port_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        starboard_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
        "view_position_aft" = "0 25 -20";
        "view_position_forward" = "0 25.0 10";
        "view_position_port" = "-20 25 10";
        "view_position_starboard" = "20 25 10";

        "has_ecm" = 1;
        "has_fuel_injection" = 1;
        "has_shield_booster" = 1;
        "has_shield_enhancer" = 1;
        "has_docking_computers" =1;
Please repeat Your test flight and report Your opinions.
Thank You.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by SirArian »

As for the weapon mount, that makes sense. Although, I'm not sure I agree that a mining laser is a real weapon... :roll:

As for the elusive ship, I spawned it using the debug console (which is great for testing new ships, by the way) and flew my Typhoon over to it, and... It did nothing. So, since sometimes it takes a while for the ship to do something on its own after you spawn it, I fired off a missile, then another, and another. And then four more. And it didn't react. What the problem is, is that there is no AI assigned to the ship. If that is added it should fix it. :D
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by cim »

V12 wrote:

Code: Select all

        forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
If you want to guarantee that it doesn't get weapons, adding a weapon_facings = 0; line in the shipdata.plist entry is probably useful.
V12 wrote:

Code: Select all

        "has_shield_booster" = 1;
        "has_shield_enhancer" = 1;
        "has_docking_computers" =1;
The first two of these only apply to NPC ships - you should assign them in shipyard.plist to make them starting equipment. (NPCs don't have shields as such, so these properties work a bit differently for them)

has_docking_computers doesn't exist - all NPCs automatically get the equivalent of one, at the moment.
SirArian wrote:
What the problem is, is that there is no AI assigned to the ship
If added by the game as a "trader", though, the auto AI routines will fix that. Still a good idea to assign a default one, but probably not why it isn't showing up here.
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Re: WIP - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Last changes :
1. Pivotpoint of the model has been moved close to the centre of the model's bounding box and model has been moved to [0,0,0]
2. NPC Typhoon has role TRADER and AI changed to oolite-traderAI.js
3. Weapon_facing is in SHIPYARD.PLIST.
4. Reworked hull texture, added bump effect

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Re: [RELEASED] - Typhoon class freighter

Post by V12 »

Typhoon released, look at first post with new download link :D
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