SKS ships

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SKS ships

Post by SirArian »

Well, for the Plasma I made it it's own thread, but, since I didn't want to have to make four more threads for the next four ships, I decided that I would make a "metathread" for all of my ships. The links will all be in this post, along with a short description of their abilities. Screenshots will be in subsequent posts. Enjoy! (And please, let me know what you think. Even if you don't like it, I won't be upset! :D )

SKS Plasma Mark I - just to be thorough.
Speed: 0.4 | Pitch: 1.2 | Roll: 1.5 | Max Cargo: 10 TC | EBanks: 4 | Recharge: 4 | Missiles: 4 | Fore and aft lasers | 1 built in passenger berth.

SKS Rhino
Speed: 0.25 | Pitch: 0.75 | Roll: 1 | Max Cargo: 550 TC | EBanks: 7 | Recharge: 3.5 | Missiles: 8 | Fore and aft lasers

SKS SpaceLiner
Speed: 0.35 | Pitch: 0.4 | Roll: 0.75 | Max Cargo: 100 TC | EBanks: 5 | Recharge: 2.5 | Missiles: 6 | Fore and aft lasers

Panther Clipper Mark II
Speed: 0.25 | Pitch: 0.75 | Roll: 1 | Max Cargo: 1015 TC | EBanks: 9 | Recharge: 3 | Missiles: 8 | Fore and aft lasers, four ball turrets.

SKS Light
Speed: 0.75 | Pitch: 4 | Roll: 6 | Max Cargo: 7 TC | EBanks: 4 | Recharge: 4 | Missiles: 4 | Fore laser only.

SKS Predator Mark II - Perhaps a bit of an uber ship, but not quite, I don't think.
Speed: 0.45 | Pitch: 2 | Roll: 3 | Max Cargo: 15 TC | EBanks: 11 | Recharge: 5 | Missiles: 8 | Fore and aft lasers.
Last edited by SirArian on Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SKS ships

Post by SirArian »

All of the ships got updated... I found out that I had done something wrong and made it so that none of the could get Military Shields. Also, I found a bug in the Plasma that made it so that you couldn't get rid of any passenger berths if you put them in your next ship. :? If you have a savegame where you were using the Plasma and switched, in your save there should be a "Berth Control" or "Fixed Berths" mention (I don't remember which it was...) that you can take out to fix that problem.

Also, I added two ships. The Predator is based on captured alien (non-thargoid) technology, and will sometimes appear as an alien... Although, because I made it spawn as a pirate, it does sometimes appear in a gang with other ships. It appears like a pirate and thinks like a Thargoid. :mrgreen: The SKS Light is a super-fast courier-hunter-paranoid-passenger-carrier-pirate ship. It can outrun standard missiles without using injectors. But that speed also makes it kind of hard to handle, so it is a trade off. It also can not have a few of the upgrades.

SKS Predator:

And the Panther Clipper Mark II
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Re: SKS ships

Post by Griff »

very nice design and texturing, the predator looks really creepy - lovely texture and it's neat how the shading works around the nose to give it that W shape, adds to it's evilness! :D
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Re: SKS ships

Post by SirArian »

Griff wrote:
very nice design and texturing, the predator looks really creepy - lovely texture and it's neat how the shading works around the nose to give it that W shape, adds to it's evilness! :D
Thank you! The Predator is my favorite. I wish, though, that there was a way to blend the edges of the texture after it is on the model, to make it where you can't see where the different pieces of the texture meet...
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Re: SKS ships

Post by CaptSolo »

SirArian wrote:
Griff wrote:
very nice design and texturing, the predator looks really creepy - lovely texture and it's neat how the shading works around the nose to give it that W shape, adds to it's evilness! :D
Thank you! The Predator is my favorite. I wish, though, that there was a way to blend the edges of the texture after it is on the model, to make it where you can't see where the different pieces of the texture meet...
There is a way. I use GIMP and using the Select by Color tool, I can select all texture faces. Then under the Select menu, I can grow the selections. Two or three pixel expansion is usually sufficient to get rid of the edges you speak of.
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Re: SKS ships

Post by SirArian »

CaptSolo wrote:
There is a way. I use GIMP and using the Select by Color tool, I can select all texture faces. Then under the Select menu, I can grow the selections. Two or three pixel expansion is usually sufficient to get rid of the edges you speak of.
No, that's not what I meant... Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. What I mean is that with any texture other than solid color, the edges of the texture sections probably won't match up. For example, with the Predator it has those weird wormy-things all over it, which are on all of it, but don't continue onto the end section from the top or the bottom. I guess that isn't very clear either... It's more that the texture, since I make it in sections, doesn't flow from one face to the other all the time, and so you can kind of see where it meets.
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Re: SKS ships

Post by Paradox »

SirArian wrote:
...No, that's not what I meant... Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. What I mean is that with any texture other than solid color, the edges of the texture sections probably won't match up. For example, with the Predator it has those weird wormy-things all over it, which are on all of it, but don't continue onto the end section from the top or the bottom. I guess that isn't very clear either... It's more that the texture, since I make it in sections, doesn't flow from one face to the other all the time, and so you can kind of see where it meets.
That, unfortunately, is (for me) one of the biggest pains of modeling... texture mapping. Dividing the different surfaces and then placing them on the texture map in such a way that they all line up... P.I.T.A! };] If your using Wings3D to make your models, then learning to use the "stitch" command is a BIG help. Whatever program you are using, just check YouTube and Google to see if there are any tutorials on using it to texture map. Good luck!
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Re: SKS ships

Post by SirArian »

Paradox wrote:
That, unfortunately, is (for me) one of the biggest pains of modeling... texture mapping. Dividing the different surfaces and then placing them on the texture map in such a way that they all line up... P.I.T.A! };] If your using Wings3D to make your models, then learning to use the "stitch" command is a BIG help. Whatever program you are using, just check YouTube and Google to see if there are any tutorials on using it to texture map. Good luck!
I do use Wings, but I don't think I have seen that... I'll have to remember to look later.
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Predator MkII in 1.80+

Post by SirArian »

I just wanted to let everyone know that they should not install the current version of the Predator OXP with the new versions of Oolite. They are way overpowered, and will kill you in about two seconds flat. I'll fix that before I put it in the in game manager, but until it is there I do not recommend installing it. (However, if you need practice fleeing on injectors, by all means install the Predator, and become the Prey. :twisted: )
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