"What do you mean they stacked 60 tons of stinking furs on top of the fragile Rygilian Angel Food Cake contract?!"
"They've gone to lunch, and can't unload me for HOW long?!?!
Sound familiar?
Your job is cargo. Our job is giving you the tools to deliver it! Meet the D.T.T Atlas! He's the heavy lifter of the cargo business folks. With our new compartmentalized "Drop-n-Go" detachable cargo pod system, you will know exactly which of the ten bays holds the contract the handlers need to unload. Or, for large single contracts, simply drop the entire pod, pick up another contract, or an empty pod, and your out of the docking bay in less than 30 minutes!
And here is the icing on the cake, Atlas comes with 4 luxuriously appointed and structurally integral passenger berths.
"But I have always been able to have passenger berths!" You say?
Ah but you see my friends, by making these permanent, non-removable, passenger berths an integral part of the main ships hull, and utilizing the Atlas's pre-existing atmosphere/gravity/food systems, you don't need to sacrifice a single ton of cargo space! Thats right folks, Atlas has 4 passenger berths AND 750 tons of completely free cargo space! Need more berths than that? No problem! You can always add or remove additional berths (at the usual loss of 5 tons per berth) in your cargo pod just as before!

Length 170m
Width 88.88m
Height 48.62m
energy_recharge_rate = 3.5;
max_cargo = 750;
max_energy = 525;
max_flight_pitch = .7;
max_flight_roll = 1.0;
max_flight_yaw = 0.7;
max_flight_speed = 200;
max_missiles = 8;
thrust = 12;
4 Structurally Integral Passenger Berths (cannot be removed)
Price 675,000
Tech lvl 9 and up.
To install, just unzip and place the .oxp folder into your AddOns folder.
Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 3.0 license yada yada yada... I HIGHLY encourage you to change/modify this ship to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original mesh/texture. Thanks and enjoy!
Thank you to Ranthe and Norby for the test flights (they assure me this ship can be manually docked without ruining the paint job... and the ship... and the station...)! And to Smivs, Cim, and Nyarlatothep for developing the Berth Control scripts! They ROCK!

The "extras" are available in THIS thread.
[email protected]
1/30/14 Version 1.1
Fixes problem with npc Atlas's not showing up with cargo pods or escorts.
Changed escorts from 6 to 4.