Wings3d model videos and pictures

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Wings3d model videos and pictures

Post by dertien »

Hello everyone,

Before I start, I would like to point out that this is a "No previous modeling knowledge required" kind of video. You will need to know how to get round and about in Windows. That is all.


Since I made a couple of ships with good results, I just decided to videotape my progress of the Mamba I am working on, with me rambling on so everyone can follow.
These videos were made on Windows 7, and are intended for people who want to start creating their own ships, but don't know where to start. It is my way of doing things, and probably not the best, nor the worst of methods. These videos are guidlines (at least the ones made in Wings3D) to get you started out fast, and more than likely, you will find as you get more proficient that you will do things differently from me, once you get the hang of it, developing your own creation style and process.

Modeling program used: Wings3d :

I use the Manifold lab version of Wings3d since it has a couple of more plugins (like booleans for the initiated) included compared to the stock one.

I will be adding more content in the future with links to new mamba videos and the (free) software I use to create additional content for this ship.

Enjoy the videos, I hope they are helpful for noobs, please don't pay attention to my bad accent.

Step 1: Converting .dat to .obj files and importing into wings3d -

Direct link to the python converters: ... onverters/ (right click/save as to save each script)
Link to more elaborate explanation of what all the different converters do here, a must read:

An installation of python 2.6 is necessary, do not install Python 3.0.
You can find python here:
Step 2: Setting up Wings3D - Techniques used for model creation -
Dev Diary Part 1 : From scratch to Mamba in under an hour -
Dev Diary Part 2 : From scratch to Mamba in under an hour -
Dev Diary Part 3 : From scratch to Mamba in under an hour -
Dev Diary Part 4 : From scratch to Mamba in under an hour -
Dev Diary Part 5 : From scratch to Mamba in under an hour -
Last edited by dertien on Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:53 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by Redspear »

Haven't had a chance to look at them yet but judging by your recent models I expect they'll be helpful.
Thanks :)
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by dertien »

Well, let's say I am not a Jedi yet, you'll have to talk to Griff for that :) , but I was hoping to show people who want to have a go at creating ships, what Griff means by "bevel everything in sight and add some faff on it" and show the steps I use to get a full model from nothing to game.

This is all very low poly stuff and is great for everyone without having to read a 500 page manual of 3ds max. I also encourage other people here to post their "way of doing things" if it comes to wings 3d, since there is already a thread for the use of Blender.

The title I chose was simply put to show how easily it can be done by anybody using a couple of tricks and get results fast. If you just downloaded Wings3d and you want to have a first ever try at creating a ship, and you don't know where to start, this tutorial video might help to speed things up a bit in the beginning.
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by Tricky »

Shipbuilder started a Wings3D discussion thread about 18 months ago...
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by dertien »

Tricky wrote:
Shipbuilder started a Wings3D discussion thread about 18 months ago...
Ha! sorry missed that, well I wouldn't mind merging both...
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by Tricky »

dertien wrote:
Tricky wrote:
Shipbuilder started a Wings3D discussion thread about 18 months ago...
Ha! sorry missed that, well I wouldn't mind merging both...
Change the subtitle to ‘Wings3d model videos and pictures’, then this thread can be used by all to post creations done in Wings3d. The other thread could still be used as a FAQ.
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Re: Videotape Wings3d - From scratch to Mamba in under an ho

Post by dertien »

Tricky wrote:
dertien wrote:
Tricky wrote:
Shipbuilder started a Wings3D discussion thread about 18 months ago...
Ha! sorry missed that, well I wouldn't mind merging both...
Change the subtitle to ‘Wings3d model videos and pictures’, then this thread can be used by all to post creations done in Wings3d. The other thread could still be used as a FAQ.
Done :)
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