- First of all, I would like to thank Griff for creating the shader for the Adder based on his Arc Elite set. Without him, this shipset would not be so diverse in color, worse even, it would be buggy. I take my hat off to him. Also thanks to Diziet Sma for teaching me how to make Mac and Linux compatible plists, It's not rocket science, but if you don't know how, well there's bugs in the logfile, and stuff not working on all platforms. Last but not least, thank you ADCK for your Lifter model which looks as if it was meant for this set.Update 27 06 2014 - Z-GrOovY BBS ShipPack
To make everything more simple, I decided to put all ships in one pack. Whether they are Oolite/Elite, Frontier, or not, since it's such a small download, why not download them all at once and choose which ones you want to install. This is an updated pack and resolves a few model issues for some of the ships that needed it, and some new ones were added.
Ship will work with no, half and full shaders. NPC and player versions ingame. Same values as stock as much as I could. Don't forget to read the readme:
new! All NPC's will switch on their green and red navigation lights when in the docking queue by installing this additional oxp:

Ships included (in screenshot order):
-Cobra Mk 1
-Cobra Mk 3 (2 versions 1 with a rotating antenna and one without)
-Imperial Courier (with rotating nacelles)
-Eagle Mk1
-Viper Defence Craft
-Police Viper (NPC)
-Orbital Shuttle (NPC and player version - for masochists

-Lifter (model By ADCK) (NPC and player version) - again, another ship for hardcore commanders who are on a shoestring budget.
-Gnat - (Yes with prongs at the front, yes

-Moth (based on Griff's Gnat, same specs for the time being as the Gnat, just different model) + also with prongs at the front (no screenshot)
-Imperial Trader (rotating nacelles)
-Imperial Explorer (rotating nacelles)
-Boa Class Cruiser
-Moray Medical Boat (in different colors, but always with a star)
-Moray Starboat (same as Mediboat, but without the star)
-Transporter NPC and player version (no guns, no hyperdrive)
-Viper Pursuit Police craft; NPC only ! (1 exhaust)
-Viper Interceptor Police craft; NPC only (3 exhausts)
-Constrictor NPC Mission Craft - Not for sale, but see readme if you would like to fly it.
-Panther Clipper
-Griffin Mk1
-Puma Clipper
-Osprey X new!
-Worm new!
-Tiger Trader new!
- Misc:
- Escape Pod new!


Greetings and enjoy