Heavy Metal is a tongue-in-cheek "space semi" with both a single (50tc) and a double trailer (100tc) version. Handling is just a bit different for each, since the configuration changes. It also comes with a custom "deee-lux escape pod" as well. };] Get the newest version HERE.
Stats for Heavy Metal D (double):
energy_recharge_rate = 3;
max_cargo = 100;
max_energy = 500;
max_flight_pitch = .3;
max_flight_roll = .75;
max_flight_speed = 200;
max_missiles = 6;
thrust = 7;
Stats for Heavy Metal S (single):
max_cargo = 50;
max_energy = 500;
max_flight_pitch = .5;
max_flight_roll = .9;
max_flight_speed = 250;
thrust = 10;

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