Similar to the popular
- The ERS doesn't repair the ships' internal systems, but damage to external parts of the ship (aka "Subentities"). We have the hope that this will greatly help our customers to reduce their maintenance overhaul costs.
- The nanobots are only doing the work - they do not integrate themselves into the repaired parts, so the system doesn't need to be recharged.
- Because of this, and in order to reduce their size, the nanobots also don't come with integrated energy cells, like the Repair Bots. The downside of this is that the ship needs to provide them with energy for as long as they operate. Our prototype still requires the energy equivalent to what can be produced by a
Tsierk Letaneya TV101 'Energia' engine unit, but we are confident that we will make great improvements in this area soon. *
- Instead of needing recharges, our nanobots do require the materials needed for repair to be available in the ships' cargo bay. Mostly this means that the ship needs to have alloys available. (If you are skilled or lucky enough, you may even use the hull plating that has just been shot from your ship and which you managed to scoop back in!) In some special cases, other materials might also be required. (e.g. turrets may need an energy source (e.g. radioactives), computers and other equipment, too)
- It is unknown yet whether or not, and if so, how much cargo space the ERS will require for installation. Our technicians are working hard to minimize this, but at the moment it fits only in ships with the approximate size of an Anaconda, requiring 500 units of cargo. ** But hey, we've just started working! Announcing the system already now will raise our value on the market, giving us the refunds needed to finish the development!
So don't be shocked, but go buy our shares and become a shareholder of one of the most promising companies of the future!
- The system will be configurable, so that for instance you can prioritize repairs. The default settings will repair damaged turrets first.
- Due to the nature of the equipment, it will only be useful for certain ships***, and will only be offered for purchase if your ship meets the requirements.
- We don't know how much high-tech will be required, yet, but we think that star systems which have access to the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporations' Repair Bots will also be capable of offering our product once it's ready. ****
* Our technicians are not fond that we picked an engine with such high radiation levels - but it was the cheapest available engine with enough power. Since they want to end their exposure to the radiation, they've made reducing the energy usage one of their primary goals, so that the engine can be replaced by a less powerful one. Who says we don't know how to motivate our employers??

** I'm planning on making the cargo space required for installation a user-configurable option... I think the default will be for it to require approx. 5 tons of cargo space. If anyone has a ship which can't afford that much, he might still reduce the amount of space needed... Suggestions are most welcome...! UPDATE v.0.0.3: since the amount of alloys needed is pretty high, I've got the feeling that it will not be nescessary to make the equipment use cargo space. But still not sure on this...
*** ships with (frangible) subentities
**** the tech-level will be roughly the same as for Thargoids' repair system I think
- Thargoids'
Repair Bots/Ship Repair System
- The Falcon-S from the Kestrel & Falcon OXP with all it's frangible subentities
- Oolite 1.77's "subentity get hit first-bug"
(fixed by cim)
- Thargoids'
Repair Bots/Ship Repair System
- Solonars' [wiki]Turret Toggler[/wiki] (howto remove subentity)
- Eric Walch for helping with HowTo detect that a subentity has been destroyed
- cim, Thargoid, spara, Diziet Sma, Smivs, Wildeblood, Rorschachhamster, Commander McLane, Lone_Wolf, Tricky, ... and many more members of the Oolite-community for countless hints, tips and ideas and helping me understand
- Svengali for his awesome OXPConfig
- Oktis' MinerPod.oxp showed me howto change the cargo (player.ship.manifest)
- Eric Walchs' modifications to Dr. Nil's Ore Processor showed me how to simulate energy usage
Version 0.0.4 is now available for download. This one is even

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Changes from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
// - energy and time usage:
// - added timers for repair and energy drain
// - renamed sounds to make them unambigous, and more sounds
// - more efficient sound handling (reuse SoundSources)
// Changes from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
// - save/load ERS status with/from savegame
// - made estimations for needed materials more precise in order to make them more useful
// - made time estimation dependent on real time required
// Changes from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
// - added sound when starting repair (still rudimentary test only)
// - repairs now cost something (exactly as much as calculated) - TODO: examination mode: if repairs cost more than estimated, stop repair and notify player
// - if they cost less, notify player, too

// - now estimations on expected repair costs (required materials and time) can be done (although times are still unused yet)
// - when repair failed because of insufficent material, auto grant estimation (if enough time has been spent).
// - improved program structure, some code cleanup
// Changes from 0.0.0 to 0.0.1
// - resolved a bug that prevented the equipment to work properly if this.$compatibleWithAllShips was set to true
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Features and limitations of this alpha version (0.0.4):
- working: does need materials for repairs
- working: need s time and energy for repairs
- limitation: repairs / damage evaluations can't be paused and later resumed yet
- limitation: many planned configuration options not implemented yet
- working with limitations: emergency repair (repairs turrets first) (does this very dumb though, also trying to repair an item which already failed before due to lack of materials)
- working: selective repair
- working: store ERS-data when game is saved!
- working: examine subentity to get estimations on needed time and material
- TODO: many more which I don't remember right now
you can download the alpha-version from my box:
playable beta-versions will be available for download soon (hopefully)