Additional fuel tank (3LY) with duplex interaction with main tank. Improved technology allows not only to pump the fuel in the main tank, but also to make the opposite action, for example, in skimming process. The Duplex Fuel Tank takes 8t of cargo space. It is excellent purchase for fans of long journeys — at now, You always can refuel ALL your tanks by Sun skimming or gutted fuel tank of unlucky pirate (with remarkable OXP Fuel Collector).
You can also fill the additional tank on the F3 equipment screen, 7.5 Cr / 1LY
Price: 62000 Cr
TL: 12
Requires equipment: Fuel Scoops
Use keys: shift+n for select the DFT as prime equipment, than b for pump fuel from main tank to additional and n for pump fuel from DFT to main tank.

PS Only for 1.77, in 1.76 button b not working.
Wiki: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/DuplexFuelTank_OXP
Download via the Addons manager or directly at http://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/1/1 ... elTank.oxz
PPS BIG thanks to Smivs and his OXP ExtraFuelTanks