I had it flying, but I forgot to make a screenshot, and by the time I remembered, I had deleted the savegame already...

Read more about it here in the wish ship thread.
Download it from my box account.
With best regards to Commander McLane!

EDIT: Added a monochrome version, changed the flasher a little. Monochrome and colored versions should work alongside. Downloadlink above has been changed. Have fun!

EDIT2: Added custom views, borrowed from Griff's alternate MKIII model. Link has been changed to Version 1.02
EDIT3: Corrected the shipdata.plist. Link jas been changed to Version 1.03
EDIT4:Corrected the oxp folders numbers, wich showed still 1.02, but all files where 1.03. If you downloaded 1.03 already, with the inside oxp folders claiming 1.02, you could just change the number manually.