I've searched through the bulletin board, but didn't find an answer yet...
I would like to know whether or not it is possible to create rather complex visual menus for an OXP? I'm planning on making a Long Range Scanner (LRS) (see: http://bb.aegidian.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13274), and for that I need both some visual representation of the scanning results and a way of controlling the LRS. This is because it is planned that the LRS is a pretty complex array of hardware which should require some skill to use.
For the visual representation, I've imagined something like this:
- http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/1994 ... ale3d1.png
http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/9491/h ... ale3d2.png
(from: http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/show ... p%29/page5 ) - http://www.planetaryvisions.com/Project.php?pid=2229
- http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0303c/
- http://www.shatters.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15637
- an animated example (video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPwDyUp0YAc
My second question is about how the player can "program" or configure the LRS. The oxp's that I've encountered so far only allow one of two method's for player input:
- By selecting an equipment with shift-n and the using it with n (or now (since 1.77: b))
- By selecting options from a menu with up-down-arrow keys and pressing enter.
Regarding the visual representation: I am also using (the awesome) Chupacabra-HUD.oxp http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/ChupacabraHUD, and therefore I know that at least with HUD's it seems to be possible to do pretty complex visual effects and real-time-animations. So I thought about doing a "Long Range HUD", which would display the data.
So another question here: Is it possible to have several HUD's installed at one time and switch between them?
I'm sure the oxp is possible without those features (a textual representation would be the fallback if no visual representation is possible, and up-down + enter are sufficient as a user interface, too), but it would neither be as attractive nor comfortable, so I'm crossing my fingers that some way exists