[Release] Updating TSC 1.6

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[Release] Updating TSC 1.6

Post by spara »

Now that Wildeblood has shown me the way, I have taken the ETA and distance functionality from Aad-hud and release it as a separate oxp. This oxp gives you an enhanced Talkative Space Compass.
Updating TSC OXP ver 1.6 (31.01.2013)

Author: spara (Mika Spåra), with toggle-functionality added by GGShinobi


This oxp enhances Talkative Space Compass by adding distance and time to target estimate information to it.

By default this oxp

* constantly shows compass information when on state green
* shows current compass targets information when switching to front view
* measures distance as Ostronomical Units (OU). One OU is the distance of the mainplanet and sun. After OU is defined for a Jameson, it stays constant over saves.

By editing variables from script.js file, user can

* change the frequency of constant update
* change distance unit shown
* choose different unit basis
* toggle "distance unit permanency" on or off
* toggle "constant update on green" on or off
* toggle "show target when switching" to front view on or off
* toggle "updating TSC can Be Toggled On/Off via priming" on or off

When toggling functionality is on (off by default), updating functionality can be toggled as follows:

ship-status: status green:

* E.T.A. is activated: Updating TSC works exactly like the old, non-toggleable version, which means: When you are on green and come to yellow or red, the update will stop. It will resume when you are on green again.
* E.T.A. is deactivated: You won't get further updates until you reactivate it.

ship-status: status red or status yellow:
* E.T.A. is activated: You get updates, even if you are on red or yellow. If you come to condition green, the updates continue, but from that moment on it will work just like the old, non-toggleable version. Which means, if you come to red or yellow again, updates will be temporarily stopped, until condition is green again.
* E.T.A. is deactivated: You won't get further updates until you reactivate it.


* Don't install Talkative Space Compass


Install the OXP by copying Updating_target_info_1.6.oxp to your AddOns-folder.


* Talkative Space Compass by cim

Download (for Oolite 1.77): https://www.box.com/s/52g8zptxrbdwlopplf5q
Download (for Oolite 1.76.1): https://www.box.com/s/nk1tqwecu9n8mzss41pq
Last edited by spara on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:18 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.0

Post by Tichy »

Great! Thank you :)
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.0

Post by Rese249er »

Downloaded! Seeing a lot of cool HUD innovations lately!
Got all turned around, lost my nav connection... Where am I now?
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.0

Post by superbatprime »

I find that other messages (news report alerts etc) that occur while in green alert only flash up for a split second, far too short a duration to read most of them.

Is it possible to have them "interrupt" the compass display for a little longer?
So then I says to him, I says "naw dude, Oolite ain't no Space Opera... Oolite is Space Rock and Roll!"
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.0

Post by spara »

superbatprime wrote:
I find that other messages (news report alerts etc) that occur while in green alert only flash up for a split second, far too short a duration to read most of them.

Is it possible to have them "interrupt" the compass display for a little longer?
I'd say that generic interrupting for messages is not possible. That's a drawback of this :( . Only

Code: Select all

this.shipTargetLost, this.shipTargetAcquired, this.shipTargetLost, this.shipScoopedOther, this.shipKilledOther, this.viewDirectionChanged
events are catched and updating is interrupted. If you want to slow down the update interval, the correct line to change is line 59. Change 0.5 to something higher. That might help a bit.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.1

Post by spara »

:oops: Forgot to check for the existence of ASC. Fixed in version 1.1.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.1

Post by Wildeblood »

spara wrote:
:oops: Forgot to check for the existence of ASC. Fixed in version 1.1.
"Fixed"? Why? Why does it matter?
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.1

Post by spara »

Wildeblood wrote:
spara wrote:
:oops: Forgot to check for the existence of ASC. Fixed in version 1.1.
"Fixed"? Why? Why does it matter?
Good question actually. Somehow I assumed that talkative space compass is a feature of the asc. Is it not? I'll have to check.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.1

Post by Diziet Sma »

It is.. the basic compass only indicates the Planet, and, when you get close enough, the Station. The ASC is needed for all other objects. It's correct behaviour, IMO, that the TSC requires the ASC, as should the ETA if it's going to work on anything other than the Planet and Station.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.1

Post by pagroove »

Thank you for releasing this OXP. It is a ship essential IMO.
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.2

Post by spara »

New version (1.2) is up. Now this oxp is a bit more configurable. It can be configured by user to work like the original TSC with extra info or you can use it like before. There is also a new feature that shows current ASC info when you switch to front view, when on state yellow.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.2

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Error reported today:
15:30:56.464 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Updating_TSC 1.2): TypeError: whom is null
15:30:56.464 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ../AddOns/Updating_TSC_1.2.oxp/Config/script.js, line 72.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.2

Post by Wildeblood »

Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
Error reported today:
15:30:56.464 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Updating_TSC 1.2): TypeError: whom is null
15:30:56.464 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ../AddOns/Updating_TSC_1.2.oxp/Config/script.js, line 72.
That shouldn't be possible in 1.76.1, were you using trunk?
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.2

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Oh, yeah... Sorry, I forgot. Yes, it was a Trunk build.
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Re: [Release] Updating TSC 1.2

Post by spara »

Ok. Thanks for clarification Wildeblood. If it's a trunk thing, then I'll let the oxp be as it is for the time being. Is that "whom is null" a bug or a feature?
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