I tried it out last night. Jumped out of the station, got half-way down to the surface, then realized why you said it needed Planetfall. Splat. On the second attempt I just floated away from the station, jumped from Lave to Diso, got most of the way to the station on torus speed, then got mass-locked by some pirates, outran them*, then docked at Diso station. I don' know how you fitted a hyperspace drive into a spacesuit, and I never thought a guy floating in a spacesuit would be able to outrun a King Cobra, so I'm impressed.
This is nothing like what Shipbuilder and I discussed. We just envisioned workers floating about in the vicinity of stations, corpses floating among wreckage, and stuff like that.
Really, for a proper Felix Baumgartner experience you need to script this to ensure it actually falls to the planet, and the player can't take-off in a gravity-defying direction. I'd lose the FTL drive, too; it seems a bit hard to believe. But that's just me being a wowser. If you script the descent, so he falls in the right direction, at the right speed, you don't need Planetfall at all. Docking at the end of the fall to avoid going splat is just one extra line of code.
A pulse laser side-arm in the style of Moonraker is exactly what I wanted when those pirates were chasing me. Until I realized they were never going to catch me, then my anxiety and desire to return fire subsided.
* The AI bug that makes ships match speeds with whatever they're chasing, no matter how slow, and never actually catch up to it.