mandoman wrote:El Viejo wrote:When you post stuff here, you can expect praise, wows, etc - and sometimes criticism and opinions.
If you can't handle that, follow your own advice - 'if you don't like it, ignore it'!
I see. So if I want, I can drop in on anyone's thread, and make snotty comments on their topic, and expect no retaliation? For one thing, I have never, nor will I ever, do that. This is suppose to be "The friendliest forum this side of Riedquat", only it seems that some of us are required to be friendlier than others. Enough of this. You don't have to concern yourself over my posts any longer.
As a moderator, I do have to concern myself over your posts and I would like to state the following:
When you post stuff on a public forum, and especially when you release material, you can expect criticism. Postive or negative. Whoever doesn't like your designs is free to ignore them as you say, but at the same time they are free to comment on them, provided they keep it civil. And no, Jake was not uncivil with his post. It is quite obvious to me that you do "give a rat's ass" about it, because in the opposite case you would have simply not posted a reply.
So, please tone it down. People are not here to get you. This is the internet and comments will sometimes be more acidic than others. Live with it and move on.
At the same time, I would prefer that an advice I got when I was younger be followed here in general: If you don't have anything good to say about something, best if you don't say nothing at all.
Let's go back to being the friendliest board etc.