You may dowload it here: https://www.box.com/s/87tn3tkxmcsg27iig05c
The Yellowbelly Racer is a armored multi purpose ship, a good choice for a lonewolf trader. It has less cargo capacity
than a cobra 3, but more energy and a slightly better energy recharge rate.
What else can I tell you about the Yellowbelly Racer? Well, I think the best description might be the ode "Space-Fever"
by Njoh Feesamild, the famous poet from Isinor:
"I must now out in space again, the lonely space and the endless sky,
And all I ask is a sturdy ship and a good working HUD to steer by,
And the joysticks kick and the energy banks song and the engines shaking,
And a grey mist of far away galaxies, and a pirate-ships hull breaking."
CYR-30350 Yellowbelly Racer stats:
Size (metres, WxHxL) 96 x 24 x 88
Cargo capacity: 30 TC
Cargo bay extension: no
Maximum speed: 0.350 LM
Roll: 2.5
Pitch: 1.0
Yaw: 0.8
Thrust: 40
Energy banks: 6
Energy recharge rate: Excellent (4.5)
Gun mounts: Fore, Aft
Missile slots: 4
Shield boosters available: Yes
Military shields available: Yes
Hyperspace capable: Yes
Available to player: Yes
Base price 325000 Cr
I have added a save-file containing a fully equipped Yellowbelly Racer for those who just want to make a quick testflight.
A HUD designed especially for the Yellowbelly Racer is available:

If you want to use the CYR-HUD, just edit the shipdata.plist
and delete the two slashes in front of the line "hud = cb68_cyr_hud.plist. Or just put the stand-alone-version of CYR-HUD into
your addons folder.
I have added a save-file containing a fully equipped Yellowbelly Racer for those who just want to make a quick testflight.