[Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

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[Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »




My first attempt at a ship ready for some friendly feedback, thanks for all your help so far
The Marziani verdi Martelli Veloce e Appuntita is the utimate super Grand tourer for exhilarating performace and unparalleled comfort. It's smooth lines hide the raw power of the most powerful sub light engines placed in a spaceframe, and it's tentacle crafted cabin ensures absolute luxury wherever you go. A multitude of colour options with a high spec of standard features (*convertable option no longer available).
For even greater performance, a Sport Edition is avaliable, with 10% higher top speed.

Marziani verdi Martelli have also donated to GalCop a small number of Veloce e Appuntita to help prompte safe flying and increase security on the space lanes.

This ship is a grand tourer in the vain of the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, Maserati GranTurismo, Aston Martin DB9, good looks, loads of power, fast off the line but not something to chuck round a corner, somewhat lacking in storage, and an arm and a leg to buy and own. The design is inspired by the clean lines Porsche design boat, with a hypersonice wave rider lower hull[/i]
A Police version is also a rare option, plus you may encounter the vary rare stolen or captured ships in use by pirates. (Ironically its the weathered version of the textures that's 3 times larger than all the others put together...)
Last edited by Knotty on Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Rese249er »

Downloading... Looks to be quite interesting to see around.
Got all turned around, lost my nav connection... Where am I now?
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Captain Beatnik »

A very nice ship, very stylish! :)

The flat design makes it a hard to hit target and all the stats are VERY good.

For a permanent installation in my personal ooniverse the ship is a little bit too "uber", but it will be interesting to run some tests and see what weaker ships can do against a MvM in a dogfight. :mrgreen:

A technical remark:

According to "requires.plist" the .oxp runs with oolite 1.75+. In "shipdata.plist" you use the key "weapon_facings" = 3. According to the wiki the use of this key in shipDATA.plist requires oolite version 1.77 or later. (I do not know for sure but I think the key ist just ignored when running a version lower than 1.77. Anyway, as you have specified the key also in the shipyard.plist, there should be no problem at all.)

In "shipdata.plist" you use the key ""has_energy_unit" = YES;". This key is not mentioned in wiki. Did you mean "has_energy_bomb = YES;"?

Best regards

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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Shipbuilder »

My first attempt at a ship ready for some friendly feedback
Knotty I'll download, install and come back to you with feedback shortly.

Congratulations on your first ship attempt by the way :wink:
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Svengali »

Captain Beatnik wrote:
In "shipdata.plist" you use the key ""has_energy_unit" = YES;". This key is not mentioned in wiki. Did you mean "has_energy_bomb = YES;"?
It's probably a copied entry from other OXPs and is lurking in quite a few OXPs. The key is not valid.

has_shield_booster and has_shield_enhancer is probably what you're looking for.

Luckily Oolite has a verifier (see [wiki]OXP_howto[/wiki]). This tool will give you more hints.
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Thanks All
Run though the verifier, sorted out those values (left in weapon_facings for the future) and added some custom views. Updated in Box

What I am having a problem with is the materials and emissions map. the base grey version seems ok, but for the black, red and green, if I specify the materials dictionary as the model's texture, the emission_map is picked up but the normal texture glows. If I specify the base model's texture as the materials dictionary's name, the ship looks ok, but the emission_map isn't picked up (i'm guessing this "breaks" the materials)... I've tried specifying the texture in a diffuse_map entry, but this gives the same whole hull glow effect.

Any tips? I quite like the basic effect oolite gives the texture, so I wasn't looking to get too heavily into materials and shaders, but it I have to....

Looing ok, but no emissions
with emissions:
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Smivs »

You need to specify the main texture (diffuse map) in the .dat model file, then in shipdata like this

Code: Select all

 materials =
"your-diffuse-map.png" = 
emission_map = "your_em-map.png";
where 'your-diffuse-map' is the texture specified in the model file.
For the coloured variants use this

Code: Select all

 materials = 
"your-diffuse-map.png" = 
diffuse_map = "red(or green or black) diffuse-map.png";
emission_map = "your_em-map.png";
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Captain Beatnik »

(Smivs was faster than me.)

Try this:

Code: Select all

materials = 
			"mvm_veloceeappuntita_red.png" = 
						diffuse_map = "mvm_veloceeappuntita_red.png";  
						emission_map = "mvm_veloceeappuntita_em.png";
						shininess = 5;
						specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5 );  
Works fine on my machine: Exhausts are glowing white, hull is dark when not illuminated ba the sun. I add a screenshot:


I think you need only one model of the ship. The different colors can be specified by the materials key.

Best regards

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams, 1952 - 2001)
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Ah, Brilliant! Thanks!
I've applied this to all the colour variations and dropped the colour specific models, uploaded to box

I'm tempted to try a police version, but I'd like to try and get some stripes for the S versions (well, after fixing the textures for the cabin. And the lasers.. )

http://www.hoax-slayer.com/images/itali ... -car-2.jpg
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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Updated version with fixed texture for window, and front and back lasers

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Re: [Test Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Ok, final teste release uploaded to box:
Round gun, some mesh oddities sorted out and textures updated. Some stats reduced to make a little more balanced, but still ment as an Ultimate ship of Ultimate price.
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Re: [Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Released, see first Post!
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Re: [Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by redbourne »

lovely ship - thanks very much!. having great fun racing away from everything else when the doo doo hits the fan. Just a query though. I picked her up for only c1610.00 in the middle of galaxy1.. not that I'm complaining you understand!
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Re: [Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by Knotty »

Will have a look tonight, must have left one of the versions with the testing price.
What colour was your purchase?
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Re: [Release] Grand Tourer MvM Velove e appuntita

Post by redbourne »

she's a grey/black one. seemes to haave a speed slightly faster than advertised too if that helps. really nice work. thanks again
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