The SideShooter is the answer to an outcry (by myself) for a quick little fighter, but a kind of weird one as well. First, it is really small. I would put into the class of the Merlin in size, which means you can fly right into a Space Station Dock, as long as you are centered, without even adjusting your ship-to-Station roll. Forward, and aft lasers are on the same arm, set out to starboard. The missile launcher is on the port side, but snugged right up to the side of the body. The front scoop kind of reminds me of a birds mouth, gaping open. Kind of weird, but really fun to fly. It isn't the fastest ship out there, by any means, nor is it the most dangerously powerful with it's lasers and missiles, but when geared up to snuff, I found myself hanging right in there with some heavy hitters.....if there weren't too many of them. Too many depends on how skilled you are in a dogfight. While the side ways setup of the lasers look different, it really isn't hard to get onto using them. They both shoot nearly right at center, though not exactly at center. Really, it was not hard to get use to, and a fun, different experience. Hope you like it.
Max Speed = 400
Max Energy = 380
Energy Recharge Rate = 3.8
Thrust = 45
Max Cargo = 5 tons