Okay, I've got a prototype Takina Class Bonus OXP complete. I still have some bugs to work out, but I should have a beta release ready later today if I have the time.
This OXP is a standalone OXP for the Takina Class... it works on its own, without any of my other OXPs. It will work with Koneko Industries OXP, though, if you want both.
The OXP adds two new Takina Class textures, one for the standard ship and one for the CX1. No changes in specs.
Update on the OXP completion status: I spent all day after lunch playing disc golf, so I haven't had time to work on the OXP.
Shipbuilder wrote:
Sounds exciting I'll look forward to seeing the new escort ship.
Okay, I should have a screenshot of it soon.
JazHaz wrote:
Cool. Are these player flyable, or are they NPC only? I can't wait to see a few on the lanes.
The ships will be for sale, and they are slightly more common than the Takina Class ships included with the Koneko Industries OXP. Right now, the NPC version is not working, but I'll get it fixed as soon as I can.
Each Takina Class NPC is now escorted by a small fleet of Koneko Mambas. 6 for the normal Takina Class, and ten for the CX1 model.
These fighters are small, but capable. They each have two hardheads, and a military laser on the front. I don't plan to make them player ships, but I may add them to Koneko Industries OXP as solo traders (4 ton cargo bay) and pirates. They are hyperdrive capable for now, but I will change that before the beta comes out. Speaking of the beta, I just want to make a few adjustments, then I'll release it. After the final release of this OXP is done, I'll resume work on the Koneko Industries OXP update.