Based on the discussion a few weeks ago (see https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12026 ), I decided to make available the colour and star density settings I worked out as a oxp: https://www.boxcn.net/s/6uf9dv69f7pm35zqvfzz
Basically it's a planetinfo.plist, It updates some settings in Universal (sky_rgb_colors,sky_n_stars,ambient_level,corona_flare,corona_hues including the Sensible Sun.oxp sun distance sun_distance_modifier, so potentially will clash if already installed), but that's all.
I'd love to try that out but I think the file you uploaded is corrupt: I can't right-click -> "Show Package Contents" (which should be working) and it doesn't seem to change anything in the game.
Basically it's a planetinfo.plist, It updates some settings in Universal... including the Sensible Sun.oxp sun distance sun_distance_modifier, so potentially will clash if already installed...
It's not, you know. It's 165 which 8.25 times Oolite's default of 20 (the equivalent of unmodified Far Sun and Sensible Sun used together). Far Sun is the one to be wary of, it will take that star and move it three times further away - the equivalent of using a sun distance modifier of... I've run out of fingers... 495!?
I would love to give this a go...However, the key folder to add to the expansion packs folder is entitled "config". I have another oxp who's name is config . to install this oxp , I am invited to over write my existing oxp's config which alas is my currently preferred ride, the Chimera that is the Dark Rainbow.
I have tried to rename the relevant config folder to something imaginative along the lines of config 2 but don't seem, in my advancing ineptitude to manage that task. I don't really want to relinquish my current uber vessel in favour of realistic stars. but maybe someone here with a greater grasp of rudimentary common sense than I (no major feat really) will come up with a blindingly simple solution.
Probably the best thing to do is enclose them in parent folders - it is probably not good practice to just have a file called Config in the AddOns folder anyway.
So create a folder called 'Realistic Stars.oxp' and put the realistic stars Config folder in that, then do the same for your ship, only called 'Dark Rainbow.oxp' or whatever is appropriate.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
The only file in RealisticStarts.oxp is planetinfo.plist (in it's config folder), which doesn't contain any ship data, so even if you extract out the config folder from RealisticStarts into an existing config folder, the files shouldn't clash.
@ Knotty: Still, if you release something as an AddOn for Oolite, you should do it as a proper OXP. That's the way AddOns for Oolite are supposed to be shipped. And if you want people to use your stuff, it would be a good idea to do the packing and shipping properly.
It's really very little work for you, but it spares each and every player a lot of work.
@ Knotty: Still, if you release something as an AddOn for Oolite, you should do it as a proper OXP. That's the way AddOns for Oolite are supposed to be shipped...
I guess I should hold off a little while before trying this OXP out. It sounds great and I really like the idea of adding more background stars, but I like where 'sensible sun' places the system star. Perhaps I'll have to mess around with that setting.
"I'll laser the mark all while munching a fistful of popcorn." - Markgräf von Ededleen,Marquess, Brutal Great One, Assassins' Guild Exterminator
--------------------------- At the helm of the Caduceus Omega,'Murderous Morrígan'
It is a proper oxp, I played it safe by taking an existing oxp, renaming it, removing what wasn't needed, putting in my plist, zipping it up and uploading.
I've tested it by downloading it and replacing the oxp in my addons folder
I'm not sure what's happening with Duggan, I've only used OoLite on the Mac so don't know how other OS handle the files.