The Razor is a quaint little ship, mainly intended as a small cargo ship that could defend itself fairly well. The R&D got out of hand, and it is now more of a "rip your throat out" type ship. Some systems have purchased them as police ships, but the pirates have latched onto it as a killer raider. It definitely gives any hostile ship a close shave.
Max Speed = 500
Max Energy = 450
Energy Recharge Rate = 4.0
Thrust = 45
Max Cargo = 20 tons
I like this ship, looks like a Centauri Fighter from Babylon 5 a little bit! Or one of those 'Egyptian Alien' ships from Stargate. How big is the ship in comparsion to other ships, say a Cobra 3 or an Asp?
You mean a death glider? Yeah, I was thinking that. Or something Kilrathi from Wing Commander.
Probably, I never watched it except the first film they made. Would have been good if they'd just left it there haha! Maybe you could apply a dark texture to this to make it blend into space more, like the other new ship you've recently released mandoman? That would make it an ultimate raider, wouldn't even see it coming!
Very good and elegant ship! I Flew with it to Veis, in Galaxy 7, I was attacked by some pirates and I could defend myself quite well with the military lasers... I tried to make a print screen of the Razor flying above the planet but I couldn't make it with the print screen key (ubuntu here). Is there any hint to take the snapshot of the screen?
I like this ship, looks like a Centauri Fighter from Babylon 5 a little bit! Or one of those 'Egyptian Alien' ships from Stargate. How big is the ship in comparsion to other ships, say a Cobra 3 or an Asp?
LOL!!! I never even thought of those, though I see what you mean. I was shooting for a "Bird Of Prey" look, without actually copying the Star Trek ships. I think I succeeded. I actually like how the pirate version looks, more than the cargo ship, but the pirate has no advantages technically speaking.
It's very close to the Cobra 3 in size, though a bit longer. It's design prohibited the same cargo capacity as a Cobra 3, though.
I was shooting for a "Bird Of Prey" look, without actually copying the Star Trek ships. I think I succeeded. I actually like how the pirate version looks, more than the cargo ship, but the pirate has no advantages technically speaking.
I released a version of the Romulan Bird Of Prey a while back. It was the first BOP, appearing in the original series. First to sport a cloaking device in Star Trek. I was considering one of the more modern Klingon BOPs, but one of the moderators pointed out that there are copy right issues involved with such things. I added a general copy right notification in the BOP I released. That's why I try to make my designs look a bit different, but on a similar track.
@Mandoman, please, in my game, there are two colors on the razor. One black and the other white... I installed de oxp in another computer, and we can only find it in black. Is it random? Thanks.
This ship so awesome! It is worth some retexturing and maybe resizing just for the pleasure of making screenshots of it! I love this "alkesh" and "Bird of Prey" feeling so much!
Is it possible to rework this ship just aesthetically, without touching the current specs?
Just make a bit bigger you can for the "V views". Some texturing would be nice though. Big kudos for this one!!!