I have a concept in mind for a somewhat revolutionary OXP. Most of it I think I can handle, (although I'm sure I'll be asking plenty of questions -some dumb, no doubt- along the way)
What I don't have the time (learning curves being what they are) and creativity for, is ship design and texturing. At this stage I envision needing 2, perhaps 3, new ship designs. I'm not sure if I can really describe what I'm after very well, but I'm looking for something with a very flowing, organic, inspired-by-nature feel to it. (Ideally, this would extend to their names, as well) They should also (visually speaking) clearly share a common heritage, as in design philosophy, inspiration, and what-have-you.
Size/performance-wise, one would be intended to be roughly on a par with a Police Viper, another a rough match for a Cobra Mk III. I'm undecided on a 3rd ship at this stage. (Edit: if I do go with a 3rd ship, most likely it would be a blockade-runner of some description. I should also mention that I'd prefer a look that isn't overtly aggressive. Culturally speaking, beauty is more important to this civilisation than a threatening posture.)
Also, these ships will be of non-GalCop origin, and I have a backstory already planned for them.
If any ship-builders have something that might suit floating around unused, or would be interested in creating something from scratch, I'd love to hear from you.