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Jaguar Company 2.5r29 (2013-11-10)
Sometime ago I posted some images on the Screenshots thread ( ) of the Oolite BB ( ), of what is possible with Griff's multi-decal Player Cobra Mk III OXP. I mentioned that I have a lioness on the back of my Cobbie 3 hunters. Someone else suggested that jaguars might be better. This formed an idea in my head and Jaguar Company was born.
Optional OXPs
Oolite v1.77 and newer
Version History
Little Bear
Eric Walch
Adds in an Elite group of pilots to patrol the space lanes in Anarchy, Feudal and Multi-Government systems.
The members of Jaguar Company are part-time reservists so there is a chance that they will appear if there is a major Galactic Naval convoy in the system.
Oolite 1.75+
Cabal Common Library
Optional OXPs
OXPConfig - For log control.
Snoopers OXP - For news alerts from various sources.
Galactic Navy.
This is highly recommended.
Talkative Space Compass - Easy identification of the beacon codes. (Or a HUD that does similar reporting.)
*** Only place one of these in your AddOns directory! ***
Zip file - After unzipping, move or copy the folder, "Jaguar_Company_2.5.oxp", into your AddOns
OXZ file - Just place this file in your AddOns directory.
Delete the directory, "Jaguar_Company_2.5.oxp", or the OXZ file, Jaguar_Company_2.5r29.oxz, from your AddOns directory.
Oolite v1.77 and newer
Use visual effect code for Oolite v1.77 and newer by setting 'this.$visualEffects' to true in 'jaguar_company.js' found in the Scripts directory.
Version History
v2.5r29 (2013-11-10)
*** This OXP now requires Cabal Common Library. ***
Bug fix for a typo in the main script.
Bug fix for a typo in the black box script.
Proper integration for Oolite v1.77 and newer with the interface screen for base locations.
Added check for blackbox + software patch for base locations in the $addInterface() function.
Renamed the vertex and fragment shaders.
Rewritten $listNames() to use Cabal Common Library for truncating, padding and creating columns.
Oolite v1.76.1 and older use the original method of padding rows. (Spaces)
Oolite v1.77 and newer use Cabal Common Library v1.7 strAdd2Columns() and strAddIndentedText()
to create the rows.
Removed some dead/unused code.
Fixed ghost messages appearing on the player's console. I forgot player.consoleMessage() isn't
distance dependant.
It obviously isn't, however these minor bugettes happen from time to time. ;)
Multiple rescue news implementation.
Clean up of code in guiScreenChanged().
Changed key combination to show list of base locations to F7, F5.
Oolite v1.77 and newer use the interface API when docked.
Lowered max cargo space to 10TC to explain extra speed.
AI tweaks.
New ship to patrol the area around the base.
Allow auto dock with the base once you have the black box.
Only use one mission variable. Old mission variables will be converted.
Changed the operation of the black box tracker.
'n' toggles the ASC tracker on or off.
'b' toggles the holo tracker on or off.
'jaguar_company_attackers.js' now called jaguar_company_ships.js
Common code moved here and is hooked in to the ship script when a ship is spawned.
Check the Patrol ships, tug, buoy and miner within the code for the base.
For a full version history see jaguar_company_changelog.txt in the directory you loaded this readme file from.
An addon for Oolite by Giles Williams, Jens Ayton & contributors.
Based on Elite by Ian Bell and David Braben.
Models, textures and shaders for the Cobra MkIII, ECM proof missile and Transporter.
Both regular and scuffed versions of the multi-decal Cobra MkIII are used.
External missile code found in Griff's example for missile sub-entities on a Cobra MkIII.
Code example to stop Jaguar Company from breaking a core mission for the player if they
'accidently' help out.
Various OXPs.
Inspiration for the invisible tracker from Tracker OXP.
AI inspiration from Hired Guns OXP.
Little Bear
Examples of messages for 'friendly fire' and 'hostile fire' from Random Hits OXP.
Eric Walch
Buoy positioning code examples from Buoy Repair OXP.
Inspiration for multi-column lists from Trophy Collector OXP.
Copyright © 2012-2013 Richard Thomas Harrison (Tricky)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter
to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,
California, 94105, USA.
The chances of them appearing are...
37.5% chance in Anarchist systems.
25% chance in Feudal systems.
12.5% chance in Multi-Government systems. (Might upset the furball if you have Factions OXP installed. Then again it might add to the fun

Also if you have the Galactic Navy OXP installed, there is a 50% chance of them appearing in any system there is a convoy or patrol.
Download: - New OXZ format!
Download: - New OXZ format!
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