The GalTech Industries Corporation proudly announce the release of their first ship off their production lines - The Colonial Viper Mark 1 single seater fighter.
This oxp is based on the ship which featured in the original Battlestar Galactica film and series.
A wiki page detailing this ship is also available by following the link in my signature strip.
As Maik says the size is approximately 19m x 12.5m x 30m (Other specifications as in the readme document).
I produced the actual model in Wings 3D, rendered in gimp and used Vim for the scripting (Oh and had some great advice from various members of the forum along the way !).
The GalTech Industries Corporation - Building ships to populate the galaxies.
Just bought one, and iron-assed it straight away. Jumped into an Anarchy. Looks fantastic, but in combat it's really twitchy. Hard to get my laser onto the target. Might be because I'm used to fighting in my Python Class Cruiser though.
Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge.
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
Please be aware that the latest version of this oxp is V1.02. V1.01 fixed a problem with the scan class and legal status while a tweak to the sub folder names in the .oxp folder in V1.02 should hopefully ensure comparability on non windows systems.
The GalTech Industries Corporation - Building ships to populate the galaxies.
Maik - I wondered if you would be able to put this oxp on to the wiki (I intend to look into this at some stage but the wiki is something that I've not had a chance to get my head around yet).
The GalTech Industries Corporation - Building ships to populate the galaxies.
Sure, I'm going to add it to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]. If you'd like a wiki page for it then please provide some input like a background story, or notable features, intended use etc. Once you have something just PM me for my email address.