[RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

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[RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

It's finally here (for it has had some teething troubles!).

Below are two excerpts from the OXP's readme. The first paragraph contains the essentials. So I've put it in bold.
• This OXP makes misjumps a little more likely and, fairly often, modifies what happens when one misjumps. One can encounter only the navy, or only thargoids, or empty witchspace or . . various other things. The OXP also gives you a chance of having your escape pod rescued in interstellar space by any nearby behemoths or leviathans (presuming you have such ships installed). That chance increased if you have the 'electronic thumb' equipment. The OXP also provides some risky ways - which you will have to discover - of clearing your legal status.

• The load that this OXP will place on your computer will be, for the most part, light to moderate (and via CPU much more than RAM and graphics card). But if you have many of the OXPs recommended below installed, then that will increase the load.

• The difficulty of the OXP varies automatically, in various ways, with the player score. But what will continue to *mainly* determine the difficulty of witchspace encounters will be the combination of thargoid and navy OXPs you have installed. HOWEVER: deliberate forrays into interstellar space are extremely risky for the ill-prepared. So if you have a combat rating of less than deadly - or, perhaps more to the point, if do not have, at the minimum, a highly iron-arsed Cobra Mk III - then I advice caution!

• This OXP makes various uses of various other OXPs, when they are installed. Most of those OXPs are listed below. The ones marked '*' are especially recommended for use with Interstellar Tweaks.

- Armoury;
- Behemoth;*
- Breakable WitchDrive;
- Electronic Thumb;*
- Enhanced MisJump (which changes the 'tunnel' effect when one misjumps);*
- Escape Pod Locator;*
- Extra Thargoids (use version >= 2.01);*
- Fer-de-Lance 3G (use version >= 4.01);*
- Fuel Collector (but you will need to PATCH this - see below);
- Galactic Navy;*
- Generation Ships (note: the present OXP will - for one thing - make generation ships rarer);
- Griff's shipset OXPs (for, especially, nice looking thargoids!);
- Interstellar Help;
- Military Fiasco;*
- Misjump Analyzer;
- Missionaries;
- mPakRedux (a.k.a. 'Rusties');*
- Spectre (but via a PATCH - see below);
- TCAT (= 'To Catch a Thargoid');
- Thargoid Carrier (this will considerably increase the thargoid threat - though it can be offset somewhat via the Fer-de-Lance 3G OXP);
- Thargorn_Threat (preferably version 1.5.2 or above);*
- Wormwhole Restoration.

This OXP was somewhat inspired by the 'Enhanced MisJump' OXP by 'cim'.

This OXP makes use of some code from Thargoid's 'TCAT' OXP (but does not require that OXP - and, indeed, sometimes overrides it). The same goes for some code in the Thargorn Threat OXP by Arexack Heretic and Eric Walch.

I have adapted materials from an OXP that was produced by Draco_Caeles and Another Commander.

My thanks to all those people just mentioned. Thanks also to Capt. Murphy, Commander McLane, Gimi, Solonar, Switeck, and to the authors of all the OXPs that mine makes use of.
For further details, see the readme file itself, within the OXP download. Once you've moved the OXP into your AddOns folder, please remember - the first time that you run Oolite after doing that - to hold down SHIFT when starting Oolite.

Download here: http://www.box.com/files/0/f/71484311#/ ... 1237416001
Or, if that doesn't work, here: http://www.box.com/shared/moreq536ht


PS: Perhaps I should add the following. Unless you force 'misjumps' - by climbing as sharply as you can just before the witchspace countdown ends - then, in most circumstances, this OXP will not much change your game.

PPS: Things might go wrong with this OXP. For (1) it is rather overambitious and (2) just how its internal timings work might depend on the computer setup you run it on. Still, I've been testing it and fiddling with it for weeks, and (i) it seems to work at the moment, and (ii) I feel I've got to get it out into the world.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Smivs »

UK_Eliter wrote:

• This OXP makes various uses of various other OXPs, when they are installed. Most of those OXPs are listed below. The ones marked '*' are especially recommended for use with Interstellar Tweaks.

- Armoury;
- Behemoth;*
- Breakable WitchDrive;
- Electronic Thumb;*
- Enhanced MisJump (which changes the 'tunnel' effect when one misjumps);*
- Escape Pod Locator;*
- Extra Thargoids (use version >= 2.01);*
- Fer-de-Lance 3G (use version >= 4.01);*
- Fuel Collector (but you will need to PATCH this - see below);
- Galactic Navy;*
- Generation Ships (note: the present OXP will - for one thing - make generation ships rarer);
- Griff's shipset OXPs (for, especially, nice looking thargoids!);
- Interstellar Help;
- Military Fiasco;*
- Misjump Analyzer;
- Missionaries;
- mPakRedux (a.k.a. 'Rusties');*
- Spectre (but via a PATCH - see below);
- TCAT (= 'To Catch a Thargoid');
- Thargoid Carrier (this will considerably increase the thargoid threat - though it can be offset somewhat via the Fer-de-Lance 3G OXP);
- Thargorn_Threat (preferably version 1.5.2 or above);*
- Wormwhole Restoration.
Well, I don't use ANY of those....... 8)
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Solonar »

I have observed unusual behavior with InterStellarTweaks 1.0b. I use a missile spoof which was being removed from my equipment entirely everytime I would witchjump. I tracked the problem down to the following lines of script. I removed them entirely which resolved the issue. I did not attempt to alter them for I am not very familiar with the script nor would know how it would affect the function of the OXP. This OXP does seem to function as it was without these lines of script.

Lines 1629 - 1639

if((player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_MISSILE_SPOOF") == "EQUIPMENT_OK"))
this.spoofStatus = 2; player.ship.removeEquipment("EQ_MISSILE_SPOOF");
if((player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_MISSILE_SPOOF") == "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED")) {this.spoofStatus = 3;}
else {this.spoofStatus = 1;}

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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Hi Solonar

Thanks for that report, and sorry for the problem.

Those lines try to temporarily remove the spoofer, in order to stop ships that you don't see (become moments later my OXP removes them) from firing missiles at you. But there was a problem with restoring the spoofer. Indeed, that problem is connected to another problem which it helped me to discover. So this really was a helpful report.

I am testing a fix. I hope to uploaded it shortly. Actually, would you test the fix, please, before I register it on the wiki? I'd be grateful. The link is actually the one on the wiki (http://www.box.com/shared/moreq536ht) - but I haven't bumped the date on the wiki, if you see what I mean.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Solonar »

I installed InterstellarTweaks 1.1-test. I made several normal jumps and several 'illegal' Thargoid jumps. I no longer have an issue with losing the missile spoof. This seems to work correctly and with no problems for me. It also seems to work with the Thargoid drive now in that I am no longer spontaneously exploding in the midst of the wormhole chain. Everything seems to be in order now. I will run this OXP a few days and let you know if anything changes.

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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Diziet Sma »

Solonar wrote:
I am no longer spontaneously exploding in the midst of the wormhole chain.
That's good.. a spontaneous existence failure can ruin your whole day.. :P
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Solonar wrote:
I installed InterstellarTweaks 1.1-test. I made several normal jumps and several 'illegal' Thargoid jumps. I no longer have an issue with losing the missile spoof. This seems to work correctly and with no problems for me. It also seems to work with the Thargoid drive now in that I am no longer spontaneously exploding in the midst of the wormhole chain. Everything seems to be in order now. I will run this OXP a few days and let you know if anything changes.
Great - and thank you for doing the testing.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Solonar »

After three days of usage everything is still in order with this one. I had no issues.

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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

That's great, Solonar. Thanks for the testing. There was a problem, though - and I've fixed it. It shouldn't crash at all now. Also, I've added some more features, including some graphical treats in a few witchspace locations.

In short, there's a new version - version '1.1', available via the wiki or directly here: http://www.box.com/shared/moreq536ht.

EDIT: Version 1.15 now online. Changes since 1.1: generation ships now rarer (as they were meant to be); same goes for interstellar 'helpers' (from the InterstellarHelp OXP); a few optimisations.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

In the latest log I saw this:

15:24:36.982 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (IST_masterScript ): Error: Timer: Invalid argument in constructor (undefined) -- expected function.
15:24:36.982 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ../AddOns/InterstellarTweaks.oxp/Scripts/IST_masterScript.js, line 636.

I have no idea whether it was anything to do with anything I was doing (if you take my meaning) but note that the masterscript has a reference to a misjump analyser near line 636; that is installed and I did have a misjump in the last session of play which prompted much shooting of Thargoids. I'm using IST 2.0 with O 1.76.1.

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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Thanks for this, Rich. The problem wasn't to do with what you are doing. I think I have fixed the problem, but I won't release an update until I've checked the some other things are working. Stand by!
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Hi again. I'm actually trying to see if there are any errors being generated by another OXP so am looking at the log frequently. I saw a similar thing to the previous message but again I can't say it's anything to do with anything I was doing. I think it occurred on arrival in a system.

08:56:08.744 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (IST_masterScript ): TypeError: this.mySound is undefined
08:56:08.744 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ../AddOns/InterstellarTweaks.oxp/Scripts/IST_masterScript.js, line 653.

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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Yep, you've found another mistake. Thank you. I've fixed this one - and will soon be uploading a version of the OXP that incorporates all the fixes. I'll post here when I've done so.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

Version 2.1 of Interstellar Tweaks is now available (either via the wiki or directly from [EDIT] https://www.box.com/files/0/f/71484311 https://www.box.com/shared/moreq536ht). This version fixes the problems recently described in this thread.
Last edited by UK_Eliter on Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Post by Solonar »

The link you are showing here takes me to a log in page rather than displaying the file to be downloaded.

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