
Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by mandoman »

This ship is actually the second in my "Killer Insect" series. It boasts four low energy ball turrets, two forward, two aft. It's max energy is 4.5, with a recharge rate of 3.8. That seems high, but when you start getting hit by other ship's lasers, and possible plasma bolts, while using your own bank of weapons, that energy rate seems really weak, and the max can seem like low end at best. It has a max speed of 450, which is a must for any escort ship. Yes, the main role I have set for this ship is escort. I envision it in squadrons of three, with leader and two wingmen. I wish I knew how to make them behave that way, and I am working on that, but right now they behave as any other escort ship in the npc version. You can use it as a hunter, but it isn't best suited for that, and if you run into one of Staer9's nasties, or a Merlin, Dragon, Firefly, etc., you will find out quickly why it isn't best suited for hunting. If your piloting skills are good enough, though, it can be used for hunting. The YellowJacket.







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Re: [RELEASE]YellowJacket.oxp

Post by maik »

added it to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]
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