[WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

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[WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by dertien »

An old classic that needs no introduction.

A favorite of many Commanders including myself in Frontier Elite 2, but hated them as an opponent. Coming soon too Oolite. This version alas has no rotating nacelles. If someone could explain or point me to a forum thread what makes the engines on the already downloadable imperialcourier.oxp tick, please let me know. (http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Imperi ... 8Oolite%29) there doesnt seem to be a script in the folder...

I plan to add some hull detail to make em up to par with Griff's ships so it will fit in nicely with his. The design of this one was based on the drawing made by KarnaK found here:
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&secti ... R#/d1s1btu

Concept art by KarnaK


Wings 3D shots


Hope you guys enjoy :)
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Capt. Murphy »

dertien wrote:
If someone could explain or point me to a forum thread what makes the engines on the already downloadable imperialcourier.oxp tick, please let me know.
They are sub-entities on that version, and sub entity rotation is defined in shipdata....

http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Shipda ... l_velocity
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Selezen »

Whut? Wassat? Someone's stealing my Imp Courier thunder? Stepping on my rhubarb??? Darn kids.


Welcome to the Imperial Courier Modeller's Club!

The relevant portion of the shipdata is this:

Code: Select all

                    <string>iceng_stbd 69 -12.4 0	1 0 0 0</string>
                    <string>iceng_port -69 -12.4 0	1 0 0 0</string>
The "1 0 0 0" part at the end is, as far as I remember, the quaternion that dictates the rotation. Not sure what the rate is.

Your model looks great! I look forward to seeing her fly. :-)
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Fatleaf »

Now the question is..... will it still throw up errors for not being able to launch from a Rock Hermit? :wink:
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Storm »

Didn't the Imperial Courier and Trader in FE have those booms also on extendable/retractable arms? I seem to recall that from Frontier back on my old Amiga. Maybe a script that works in a similar fashion to Thargoids butterfly OXP, where the wings on his butterflies flatten out as they approach dock?
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Commander McLane »

Selezen wrote:
The relevant portion of the shipdata is this:

Code: Select all

                    <string>iceng_stbd 69 -12.4 0	1 0 0 0</string>
                    <string>iceng_port -69 -12.4 0	1 0 0 0</string>
The "1 0 0 0" part at the end is, as far as I remember, the quaternion that dictates the rotation. Not sure what the rate is.
With all due respect to the guy that created this ship: no. :)

This quaternion dictates in which direction the subentity points.

The relevant parts in shipdata are in the definitions of the subentities themselves:

Code: Select all

		<string>0.707 0.0 0.0 0.707</string>

Code: Select all

		<string>0.707 0.0 0.0 -0.707</string>
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by Selezen »

Commander McLane wrote:
With all due respect to the guy that created this ship: no. :)

This quaternion dictates in which direction the subentity points.

The relevant parts in shipdata are in the definitions of the subentities themselves:

Code: Select all

		<string>0.707 0.0 0.0 0.707</string>

Code: Select all

		<string>0.707 0.0 0.0 -0.707</string>
Ah, pants. Sorry, didn't read far enough down the plist. :-(

See, this is why I dropped out of doing OXPs... ;-)
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Re: [WIP] FE2 Imperial Courier

Post by maik »

added it to the WIP section of the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]
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