The final OXP is now available. Thanks to Disembodied it has now vastly more variation in names, also including traders et al. which weren't named in the preview.
Download link and some example screen shots

EDIT1: version 1.1 contains more name variants for more classes of ships. Make sure to check the example gallery in the Wiki. Now included are Rock Hermits and GalCop ships. The latter have a letter-and-number designation scheme, where the last number indicates the galaxy the ship is stationed in, and the preceding letter(s) indicate its home system, or—in case of Naval ships—their (N)aval provenance.
Also, the whole script is reorganized, and ships have to go through one less if-clause before they're christened. More details of the changes in the readMe.
EDIT2: version 1.2 contains a hook for ship designers who don't want their ships getting random names (for instance if another ship already comes with an individual name). This is now possible via the
key in a shipdata. Details in the readMe and on the Wiki.EDIT3: version 1.3 contains more words in the lists and more naming schemes. Some more cases of inclusion and exclusion are also dealt with. Details are in the readMe.
EDIT4: version 1.4 makes the names of Rock Hermits persistent over multiple visits by storing them in the save file.