You're using a Caddy with NEU for mining

? Some people might take that as an insult, you know

. I would love to see the face on a poor miner's face flying a Mining Transported doing her long day shooting asteroids around a rock hermit and seeing a Caddy arriving and joining the fun.
Anonymissimus wrote:This equipment does not need to be primable.
Take into account that happy miners of Ooniverse are using Mining Transporters, Worms, Adders, Cobra Is and at best Cobra IIIs. Adder has a one energy bank. Mining Transporter has two. With these ships energy control is vital. The ability to fully control the equipment is much needed so the equipment needs to be primable. Even with hardwiring (Galcop does not approve it, but it happens), it's still useful for these ships to be able to stop processing and continue at some other time. It's the same thing with scanning, it eats energy and for these ships it needs to be controllable.
Anonymissimus wrote:
Once it is hardwired, there should probably be a check that the player cannot run out of energy while processing.
It's hardwiring after all, very simple tech just bypassing the priming system. Just a few wires type of thing.
Anonymissimus wrote:And the scanner should start scanning automatically once locked onto a splinter within range using shipTargetAcquired.
A nice idea, the scanner could be hardwired too. When I have some more time, I'll add the possibility to hardwire the scanner.