Nice looking ship. I am assuming from its size it is intended to be a strike fighter or bounty hunter.
Unpacked the download and noticed that there is no shipyard,plist file, I think this will stop it from appearing in the shipyard listing and therefore will not be a player ship which seems a pity.
64bit Mint 10 and Win 8 64bit on E8400 at 3.6GHz - ATI HD5750 graphics.
Concentration is the ability to think of absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.
Nice looking ship. I am assuming from its size it is intended to be a strike fighter or bounty hunter.
Unpacked the download and noticed that there is no shipyard,plist file, I think this will stop it from appearing in the shipyard listing and therefore will not be a player ship which seems a pity.
ooops, it is intended to be a player ship, I just forgot to include the file, updating now... (same download link still works)
Interesting. The cockpit makes it look like it should be very small like a defense ship carried by others and definately can handle atmosphere. Or perhaps a one man transport for a rich guy for those cross-planet hops city to city. Cool.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
I like the texture - kind of similar in concept to the one I'm trying to draw for the Adder paper model.
I like the ship too, by the way. Very very nice. Dual role atmospheric and orbital ship, yes?
hmmm, escort for high ranking officials travelling to and from planetside in shuttles. could be a lead-in to a mission OXP for that, assassination runs, take out a fleeing criminal etc etc. be kinda unique, the shuttle side of things is rarely done in OXPs
It could just be an updated version of the regular Adder, of course, with perhaps a bit more poke to the engine and a bit more energy available ... maybe a 5-ton cargo bay as well. A neat and nifty small ship, able to make witchspace jumps, with an atmospheric capability to boot. I'd fly one!
I just added it to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki], but as Disembodied suggested: There is not much information to go on even for the one-liner. Could you describe it a little bit more please?
I just added it to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki], but as Disembodied suggested: There is not much information to go on even for the one-liner. Could you describe it a little bit more please?
ace\56 wrote:
It is a light escort
The press conference for for the Night Adder launch was one of the shortest I've ever attended, as the CEO of Ace\56 Industries, a man notorious for his secretive nature, refused to stay to answer questions simply stating - "It is a light escort." - Maik, What Ship Magazine.