Added 3 missing sound toggle checks to prevent problems with the sound when the sound is toggled to "OFF". Thanx sdrubble for pointing out the problem. Now fixed!
Any playtest results or bugs or comments about the Q-Charger may be posted here.
Now go have some fun!
Q-Chargerv1.1.oxp is now available.
Sounds have been put through a low-pass filter to attenuate the high frequencies. Sounds can be toggled off in the startup of the main script. Numeric Hudv1.3 will display the top speed on the speed gauge when the Q-Charger is activated.
Have fun!
The Q-Charger is in essence a Quirium Supercharger for your ship. Activates/deactivates by setting the throttle over/under 95% of the normal ships maximum speed. The ship boost results in a 100% speed gain with twice the fuel efficiency of fuel injectors. Drift is non-existent so maneuvering is good. There is no readout of the increased speed however. Consumable use is 0.1 ly fuel/30 seconds and 4 energy/second. Test results indicate an adder with a Naval Energy Unit can use this effectively and it is balanced for use with a Cobra MKIII. Purchase requires that fuel injection already be installed and operation requires working injectors and a functioning energy unit. The sound effects can be toggled off in the startup section of the main script. If you like dogfighting then this is for you as it is kinda fun to use this.
This is a first run of this concept and test results and comments are appreciated. Have fun with this as I found it rather fun to test and use.
Last edited by CommonSenseOTB on Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
Just a note about the read-me. You put it in the oxp. Would it be possible to have it separate instead. I have also read that the mac has problems when it is done this way, but not to sure about that.
Find out about the early influences of Fatleaf here. Also his OXP's!
Holds the Ooniversal record for "Thread Necromancy"
Just a note about the read-me. You put it in the oxp. Would it be possible to have it separate instead. I have also read that the mac has problems when it is done this way, but not to sure about that.
Oops! Oversight has been corrected. Normally put a readme outside the oxp.
So, lots of downloads, any test results? Post them here please.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
Test results:
Q-Charger caused my death. Don't know how, but after my shields were down I died instantly. Sound was rather annoying, too. I think it could replace the fuel injectors at a pinch, though.
It will be interesting to know in play-testing if something like the Q-Charger, or just normal injectors are needed to do the Constrictor mission post-No-Torus. Currently the Constrictor, which is much faster than the Standard Cobby3 most people are still flying by the the time they get the mission, cannot get away, because the player just waits for it to go off scanner and then Torus back up to it's position. Eventually exhausting it and leaving it vulnerable to inject and snipe tactics, which is also why I suspect it feels much less of a challenge to many who remember the beads of sweat appearing on their foreheads on the 8-bit versions of the mission.
Test results:
Q-Charger caused my death. Don't know how, but after my shields were down I died instantly. Sound was rather annoying, too. I think it could replace the fuel injectors at a pinch, though.
I guess you didn't read the Readme. The readme is outside the oxp now so if you got an early copy without it then re-download it and read it. There is a toggle in the startup of the main script. Set it to off if you don't like the sound. The sound serves a purpose to let you know when the Q-Charger is on so you know your top speed is currently doubled. Also, when any of the following happen<fuel injectors damaged, energy unit damaged, fuel drops below 0.1, and energy drops below 32> the Q-Charger deactivates. The Q-Charger normally drains 4 energy/second. You probably were using it right up to the point of cut out. I suspect you caused your own death due to negligent use of the Q-Charger, perhaps.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
Test results:
Q-Charger caused my death. Don't know how, but after my shields were down I died instantly. Sound was rather annoying, too. I think it could replace the fuel injectors at a pinch, though.
I guess you didn't read the Readme. The readme is outside the oxp now so if you got an early copy without it then re-download it and read it. There is a toggle in the startup of the main script. Set it to off if you don't like the sound. The sound serves a purpose to let you know when the Q-Charger is on so you know your top speed is currently doubled. Also, when any of the following happen<fuel injectors damaged, energy unit damaged, fuel drops below 0.1, and energy drops below 32> the Q-Charger deactivates. The Q-Charger normally drains 4 energy/second. You probably were using it right up to the point of cut out. I suspect you caused your own death due to negligent use of the Q-Charger, perhaps.
The sound shouldn't be too hard to disable, yes.
If the Q-Charger can cause death that easily, I doubt I want to use it.
I'll keep working with it. If only it could be switched on/off like the Injectors...[/color]
Thanks for your opinion, I'll take that under advisement. Anyone else have a test result?
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.