DragonDock is an open source cross-platform application for simplifying the creation of OXPs. It is written in Python (2.7), SQLite (which will eventually be dropped in favor of XML data storage) and PyGTK, using the Glade RAD IDE.
I started this project as a way for me to learn the ins and outs of PyGTK before beginning work on my far more complex professional project. As such, my activity on the project will be dropping down considerably as of this Friday, though I may work on it a little here and there occasionally.
As such, I desperately need other individuals to join the project. Python and Glade are very easy to learn (I've only been working with them a month as of this post).
DragonDock simplifies the creation of OXPs by allowing users to create plists for ships, missiles, stations, and other Oolite objects. After the initial object type is chosen, all of the relevant fields are shown, using various form elements to ensure all input is valid. Multiple objects can be added to a project.
Finally, the project can be compiled into a fully functional OXP, with all models, textures, and script files put into their respective folders.
DragonDock 0.1 Projected Features:
>Object type sensitive "smart" forms.
>Exporting in .plist format.
>Compiling all OXP resources into a fully functional .oxp folder.
Feature requests and ideas are welcome, but I cannot do much with 0.1. I will post the Sourceforge link soon, and everyone is encouraged to join the project and help build and improve it.
My hope is that DragonDock will change how we OXP forever.