Download here: ... System_HUD
EDIT: Download link held until oxp has been fixed
Edit: RELEASE July 30, 2011
And now for my next stunt...

Download here: ... System_HUD
Time for some fun!

Here are some screenshots of the prototype:

Close To Target by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr

On Target by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr

On Target, Reticle Lined Up by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr

Perfect Shot by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr

Target Offscreen by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr

Target Too Close For Zoom Position by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr
The design concept of this hud addon is to provide an immersive experience similar to actually being a sniper. Only the bare necessities are available in sniper mode to promote situational awareness while at the same time preventing distraction. Early on it became apparent that a sighting method that allowed for better visibility of the target was a good idea. Therefore I have forsaken the compass in favor of a custom made ring type of sight which gives great accuracy when the sight changes color and lines up with the target reticle. I have literally hit moving cargo containers at ranges over 20km.

The poll is to get a rough idea of the needs of active members. The first look at this hud concept will be as part of the chupacabra hud system. I have just started this and hope to have it done in a couple of weeks. A couple weeks after that it will likely come as an option on the numeric hud for specific ships or just for the player's current ship by having the player modify some information to match his ship. Awhile after that it may appear as a hud addon in some fashion. This will be influenced somewhat by the poll results.
Please post all comments, questions and ideas on the Sniper Camera System here. It is open for discussion.