Decided that instead of updating some of my older smaller OXP's one at a time, I'd combine some of the similarly themed ships into an all-in-one package.
So, introducing the combination of ADCK's Eagles, ADCK's Imperial Trader, and ADCK's Wyvern Explorer: ADCK's FFE Ships.
Which also introduces my previously unreleased Imperial Courier.
Click on images for Full screen.
Eagles: Eagle Mk I

Eagle Mk II

Eagle Mk III

Eagle Mk IV

Wyvern Explorer:

Imperial Trader:

Imperial Courier: NEW!

Based on the original ships by David Braben.
*Concept and Idea: ADCK
Adds many new ships to the game, some with many diff colors. And a player version of each.
The Eagle Mark 1, 2 & 3 are from David Brabens Frontier/FFE. the Mark 4 is my own invention inspired by the other eagles. There are 8 different colours to each Eagle, and 4 player version (the color of these can be changed in the shipdata.plist by easily editing the "diffuse_color" line.)
There have been some small updates to the Imperial Trader and Eagles models and textures, removal of obsolete shaders (now uses materials), and some minor tweaks to the stats.
Before installation, be sure to delete any previous versions of Adcks Eagles, Imperial Trader, Wyvern Explorer OXP's.
Extract the adcks_ffe_ships.oxp into your Addons directory of Oolite. Just to be sure startup Oolite with the SHIFT-key pressed until you see the spinning CobraMKIII.
Law Stuffs:
This is a free modders resource for the community.
And is made by:
Michael Francis AKA
Ancient Dwarven Chaos Knight (ADCK)
[email protected]
And is yours to do with as you wish.