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NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by Uncle Reno »

Hi LB,

Small problem with Black Monks. The entity "Monk laser mount 0" is looking for guntex.PNG which it can't find because it's called guntext.PNG. Is it safe to just rename it to guntex or will that then cause other problems? Thanks. :)
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Post by LittleBear »

Oops! Yeah.

This is a tiny blob used by the Center Gun. Hadn't noticed the typo as the monks fire from the center gun was working.
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Post by JensAyton »


Both “guntex” and “guntext” are very bad choices for texture names. It should be called something like “blackmonks-gun-texture”.

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Post by davcefai »

Ahruman, you can't be a lazy programmer AND type “blackmonks-gun-texture” when can type "guntex"!

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Post by JensAyton »

Pah. That's what autocomplete is for. You don't type shaderWithConfiguration:macros:bindingTarget:, you type sha<esc>. You don't type initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel: (actual method name from Cocoa!), you type ini<esc><esc>. If that fails, copy and paste. :-)
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Post by Uncle Reno »

Just to let you know, renaming to guntex seems to work OK.
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Monasteries not appearing in Galaxy 7

Post by chadlongstaff »

Hi all, working my way into the Assassins OXP, not finding any Black Monk Monasteries in Galaxy 7. Is this expected behaviour?
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Post by LittleBear »

Nope, it shouldn't be the case! (Wrote both of em and they shoudn't conflict)! Bear in mind though that the two OXPs are doing different things. The Assassins.OXP is adding the Guild (and missions to G7) and Black Monks is adding those pesky money lending Monks to systems in all Galaxies with a tech level of 11 or more!

Playtesting the latest version (1.3 - not posted yet) of Assassins in G7 and see Black Monks Stations from time to time!

Remember you will only see Black Monk Stations in a system of Tech Level 11 (or more) in any Galaxy. And even then they are in the space lanes rather than orbiting the main planet.

Whether or not you see Black Monk Gun Ships after over-due NPC debtors (either near the station or at the witchpoint) is random.

If you are an over-due debtor then it is not random. The Black Monk Gun Ships (should) come for you once your alloted time is up, if you have taken a loan and not repaid it on time!

If you play with both OXPs installed, there should be a Black Monk station in the system (for example) where you were asked to terminate the "Fair Wind" (as it has a high enough tech level).

Many systems that the Assassins Guild will ask you to go to to complete *ahmeh* contracts will not however have a Black Monk Station within them as these systems are not high enough tech levels to feature a Black Monk Station!

As a "Cleaner" you need to be prepared to go wherever the Guild send you. This is not necessary to the highest tech level systems!

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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by Gimi »

Resurrecting the original thread here with a bug.

Yesterday I reported a possible bug in ADCK's Behemoths here.

Turns out the issue at hand has nothing to do with ADCK's Behemoths, it's a bug in Black Monks.oxp previously identified by Mauiby de Fug here.
Very sorry ADCK.

The error message I get is as follows:

Code: Select all

10:13:20.684 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x10bfdcc0>{"Mine Sweeper Satellite"} to "minesweeperAI.plist" - could not load file.
Turns out that "minesweeperAI.plist" is missing from both Shady_blackmonks.oxp and BlackMonks.oxp (the non shader version).

There is a minesweeperAI.plist in Assassins.oxp, also by LittleBear, and for now I have copied that into the AI-folder of Shady_blackmonks.oxp, not knowing, but assuming that will work. Will this eventually cause a conflict if I install Assassins.oxp when I enter galaxy 7?

Edit: Another thought.

Can I safely rename "minesweeperAI.plist" to "monkminesweeperAI.plist", and then change the reference to it in "shipdata.plist".
Do I need to do anything else to make this work without potential conflict?
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by ADCK »

Gimi wrote:
Very sorry ADCK.
lol no worries, now that you mention it, I used to have this bug in Black Monks as well, but totally forgot about it, I think I fixed it by doing what you suggested and chucking that file in there, it shouldn't cause any problems with overwriting, as it would just be overwriting itself with a copy of itself.

Odd behaviour, I thought it wouldn't matter which OXP's AI dir its in as long as its in one of them... Guess I'm wrong.
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by Gimi »

ADCK wrote:
Odd behaviour, I thought it wouldn't matter which OXP's AI dir its in as long as its in one of them... Guess I'm wrong.
I think you are right, I have not tested with assassins installed, while I assume LittleBear did and never encountered the problem.
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by Switeck »

Assassins may have loaded first, so it was available by the time Black Monks OXP checked.
But Random Hits OXP may not be available yet...

I thought Random Hits also had mines...I guess they used a different AI.plist for it. :oops:
Last edited by Switeck on Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by Gimi »

Switeck wrote:
Assassins may have loaded first, so it was available by the time Black Monks OXP checked.
But Random Hits OXP may not be available yet...
Not sure I quite understand Switeck.
From what I understand it was found that this bug was not related to Random Hits at all. Also, this bug would not show if assassins was installed as Black Monks would find the missing AI there (if I have understood Oolite workings correctly). Hence my earlier question about renaming and replacing to make Black Monks independent of Assassins.
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by Gimi »

Gimi wrote:
The error message I get is as follows:

Code: Select all

10:13:20.684 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x10bfdcc0>{"Mine Sweeper Satellite"} to "minesweeperAI.plist" - could not load file.
Turns out that "minesweeperAI.plist" is missing from both Shady_blackmonks.oxp and BlackMonks.oxp (the non shader version).

There is a minesweeperAI.plist in Assassins.oxp, also by LittleBear, and for now I have copied that into the AI-folder of Shady_blackmonks.oxp, not knowing, but assuming that will work. Will this eventually cause a conflict if I install Assassins.oxp when I enter galaxy 7?

Edit: Another thought.

Can I safely rename "minesweeperAI.plist" to "monkminesweeperAI.plist", and then change the reference to it in "shipdata.plist".
Do I need to do anything else to make this work without potential conflict?
I never got an answer to my two last questions here. Anyone able to assist.
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Re: NEW : Bank of the Black Monks OXP

Post by DaddyHoggy »

I don't know, but I suspect given lack of answer, it's safe to suck-it-and-see...
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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