Removed the AI-Message logging. D'oh! And added the fruit bat ship into the download for your convenience.
Here is the new link:
Freighttrain 1.01

MASSTrans GLC just recently transformed itself from a local player around the Iron Stars in Gal 1 into a multigalactical cooperation by satifying a rising demand for in-system transportation of cheap mass products, something free traders alone couldn't (and wouldn't, for food, textiles and minerals aren't where the fast money is) attend to.
With it's investments into various ship builders and on low tech agricultural worlds the cooperation started to dominate the trade at the low end of the cargo spectrum. The corner stone of it's success are the freight trains, huge massive ships build for slow, but steady, transit through a given system and giving the people the things they need for survival, even on far off stations. Loading and Unloading is done by a special, cheap, robot brain controlled ship, called MASSTrans C-Bot, that MASSTrans has stationed in all mayor stations in a given system, sometimes even on Rock Hermits... these c-bots are known to be badly mantained and sometimes even collide with the trains they try to unload.
As of now, MASSTrans don't risk their trains in anarchies or feudal states, and it's train are protected anywhere else by the MT SEC Flying Foxes. Read more about them here.
Ok, here it is. There are a few things to consider:
First, this OXP works best if you have a lot of OXP stations in system. The AI of the freighttrain has a 1 in 10 chance build in to fly to the systems main station, with only a few oxp stations it would probably make sense to change the following line in the freighttrain_AIs.plist:
Code: Select all
ENTER = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 3000000.0", setTargetToRandomStation, "rollD: 10");
Second: If you don't like the fruit bat

Third: The freighttrain is a big box of candies for a dedicated pirate attack if it is not protected by it's escorts. If you try to raid the freighttrain, keep at least capable escorts or this isn't a challenge. On the other hand, it mostly transports food, textiles and minerals... wich aren't the most profitable things to go after as a pirate... nevertheless, even with good escorts a greater number of pirates can break some of the containers to spill their goddies. If you consider that wrong and cheating you could downsize the number of spilled goods still further in shipdata.plist (I did so a few times while testing already...). Look for this line in each of the three subentities called container1, container2, and container3, respectively, and adjust it:
Code: Select all
max_cargo = 80;

Oh, and I forgot to change the variables and functions into something less ordinary. I didn't notice any problems, but I wanted to get this out and will probably change this in a further release.
Download Freighttrain1.00.oxp here!
Download the FruitBat1.01.oxp to go along with it.