CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf oxp

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CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf oxp

Post by Zireael »

'Kay, I'm a longtime lurker and decided to join because I have a few bugs to report.

First order of business would be the fact that the Shift+ F doesn't work for me. It's bad, 'cause I use TAF extensively.

Secondly, pressing ? key on contracts screen does nothing either. No chance of checking the planet I'm supposed to go to before agreeing to the contract.

Thirdly, I had a persistent (but random) CTD on pressing F1 with sound messages turned ON. First, I blamed RS, but the crash persisted after I deleted them. Oolite log didn't help either. Turning off sound messages helped.

Any ideas how to sort those out?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf ox

Post by another_commander »

Zireael wrote:
First order of business would be the fact that the Shift+ F doesn't work for me. It's bad, 'cause I use TAF extensively.
The first problem is because the Werewolf HUD does not contain the definition for displaying the FPS information. To fix, enter the following inside Werewolf's hud definition plists that don't include it already, under the ship's clock definition:

Code: Select all

<dict><!-- fps counter, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size -->
Secondly, pressing ? key on contracts screen does nothing either. No chance of checking the planet I'm supposed to go to before agreeing to the contract.
I can't reproduce this. What ship are you playing with? Also, are you using a non-US keyboard? If yes, which one? Have you tried assigning a different key in keyconfig.plist?
Thirdly, I had a persistent (but random) CTD on pressing F1 with sound messages turned ON. First, I blamed RS, but the crash persisted after I deleted them. Oolite log didn't help either. Turning off sound messages helped.

Any ideas how to sort those out?
Thanks in advance.
This one might be tricky. I cannot reproduce it here. Spoken messages are working fine and don't cause errors or crashes for me. I do remember something like this being reported in the past, though (I think it was Cmdr Wyvern who reported it). Assuming we are talking about the Windows version of the game, you will have to do without spoken messages and I will have to find a way to reproduce the problem and see why it seems to prefer appearing on some systems more than on some others.

Can you provide exact system information? It could be helpful in finding out what is wrong.
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Post by Zireael »

I don't know a first thing about editing plists and don't want to mess something up, somebody should update the Werewolf HUD then.

Windows XP, SP2. Intel Dual Core 2.20 Ghz (can go up to 2.87 Ghz). 1 GB of RAM, GF 6800.
No probs with earlier versions of Oolite, certainly not like this one. Had random crashes back then, but not on F1, just memory overload ones (with Realistic Shipyards and a lot of mods).

Polish keyboard (and I played earlier versions of Oolite, every one since 1.65, and the ? key worked as it should).
Flying Python Class Cruiser now, earlier Military Stingray.

[offtop]: I wanted spoken messages so much, 'cause they're a fine way of learning the differences between US, English and English RP pronunciations. This way, I have an excuse to play Oolite after studying - I'm studying English, you see.
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Post by another_commander »

Can you put the contents of your Python Class Cruiser savegame on http://pastebin.com and post the link here? I would like to have a look to see if I can reproduce the questionmark problem.

As for the crashes, well, it is expected that previous versions of Oolite would not crash on spoken messages, since this feature was introduced to the Windows port with version 1.74.
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Post by Cody »

Zireael wrote:
[offtop]: I wanted spoken messages so much, 'cause they're a fine way of learning the differences between US, English and English RP pronunciations. This way, I have an excuse to play Oolite after studying - I'm studying English, you see.
Hi Zireael and welcome… using Oolite as an educational tool… very good, an excellent excuse to play.
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Post by Smivs »

Zireael wrote:
I don't know a first thing about editing plists and don't want to mess something up,
This should be quite safe providing you follow a couple of simple rules.
Always make a copy of any file before you alter it. Move the original somewhere safe and edit the copy, remembering to rename it if necessary so it is not a 'copy'. This way, if it 'all goes horribly wrong' you can simply put the original back.
Don't use Notepad (as it adds spurious characters which can make a file un-readable to Oolite). Use Notepad ++ or another text editor such as Gedit or Emacs (which are all freely available).
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Post by Zireael »

The '?' problem has solved itself - I forgot that I had to press Shift.

So the only parts of the original problem that remained are:
crashing on F1 with sound messages on
lack of FPS with Werewolf HUD

I can live without the second. Somebody said that the first thing was already mentioned here. Can something be done?
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Post by Kaks »

Zireael wrote:
Can something be done?
Given enough monkeys, sure! Anything can be done! :D

PS: and you're also entitled to a full refund! :D
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Re: CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf oxp

Post by Zireael »

Was the CTD with sound on bug resolved (in latest nightly for example)?
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Re: CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf oxp

Post by another_commander »

Zireael wrote:
Was the CTD with sound on bug resolved (in latest nightly for example)?
Why don't you give it a try and let us know? The nightly is here:
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Re: CTD & Some keys not working in 1.74.2 w/ Werewolf oxp

Post by Zireael »

another_commander wrote:
Zireael wrote:
Was the CTD with sound on bug resolved (in latest nightly for example)?
Why don't you give it a try and let us know? The nightly is here:
The CTD does not happen, as far as yesterday and today. Yay!
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