On the side. I was playing Oolite last night, when all of a sudden everything went into superfast motion. EVERYTHING! The targeting hair would move so fast, I had to try several times just to lock onto a target. When a ship came at me from what must have been thousands of miles away, with me moving at about .175 LS, it came at me so fast that I had to jerk up, and away to avoid collision. Docking at the Space Station was especially fun, and tricky, because even though I had to come to a dead stop just to orient my ship to the entrance, I literally shot forward toward the station at a pace that should have been a crawl in normal playing conditions. I've had the jerky, slowed reaction phenomenon happen many times, usually due to an excess of space craft in the system, but I've NEVER before experienced that super acceleration before. There wasn't even that many things going on in that particular system. I'm interested to see if it will happen again.