mandoman wrote:Got it. It's worth a shot if there is any chance of shaking of the pirates. I'm trying to work my way out of the main space lanes. Is there a certain course that works best? Right now I'm at Leesti. I tried to jump to Orerve, and four pirates came at me before I could reach the space dock,
It seems there is still a little confusion here. For one, I have no idea what you mean with 'space dock'. I've never read this expression before for something in Oolite. Do you mean the main station?
Space lanes have nothing to do with jumping from Leesti to Orerve, or to any other planet. The space lanes are the imaginary 'roads'
inside a system. Each system is
huge. You can fly in any direction for as long as you want. For hours, days, weeks or months. You will
never reach the end of a system. And 99.99999999999999999999999% of this huge space is completely empty. There is absolutely
nothing out there. In each system there are only three points of interest, and all the traffic concentrates on the
lanes (or
corridors) connecting these three points:
a) the planet;
b) the sun; and
c) the witchpoint. That's the point where you emerge after a jump, marked by a buoy with pulsating yellow-and-orange lights.
After you emerge at the witchpoint, you can go in any direction you want. You're in a completely unrestricted 3D-space. But—as said before—in almost all directions there is nothing whatsoever, with only two exceptions: straight towards the
planet, and straight towards the
sun. These are the two space lanes (or corridors) between which you can choose to actually get somewhere. The third space lane (or corridor) is the straight line between the planet and the sun.
All other ships—traders, police and pirates—can be found
exclusively on these straight lines and in a certain distance from the straight line (hence the name
corridor). Traders want to get to the station orbiting the planet as quickly as possible, therefore the fly in a straight line to the planet. Pirates are only lurking in places where they can reasonably expect traders to pass by, therefore they too are confined to the corridor.
Thus, the only thing you need to do is to
leave the absolutely straight line between the witchpoint and the planet, and you are guaranteed to never meet any other ship, be it trader or pirate. How do you get away from the absolutely straight line between witchpoint and planet? Just fly
sideways for a couple of seconds before heading for the planet.
Sideways means: don't have the planet in the middle of your forward view screen, but have it at its very border, or better outside its border. That's what the other guys are trying to tell you.