Hard to say about "ideal" ships. If it's *too* ideal, then it could throw off the game.
I'd like if there could be maybe an OXP for adjusting the sensitivity of the pitch, yaw and roll. I can get a bit of that now, since I'm a joystick user, by toggling the "precision" button, but from what I understand that option is only available to joystick heretics like myself.
Reverse thrust would be nice, even if it had a fixed setting or was some %age of the current throttle setting. Mostly that would be nice for dogfighting and maybe some landings. Probably not logical that the ships could do full reverse thrust, since they mostly don't look like they're designed for it, but if one could throttle back to zero, jink and apply even a limited burst of reverse thrust, it'd be fun for dropping back into the 6 of an opponent that is in close pursuit.

Even more fun if the AI would use it as well when the player is close in on a long run and chase.
Zoom for the view screens. Even in the original series of Star Trek, they could change the magnification on the bridge's main screen. I understand that it isn't likely due to the way the core code works, but it'd be nice.
Ship ID for more than just the ship that is currently in your gun sight or weapons lock. Logically, if ships are being IDed by some sort of transponder or whatever, then we'd know more the ID of more than one ship that is at least in close scanning range. Knowing what ships you're currently up against would be really nice when the player is dogfighting against a pack.
Any of that list as options would make a lot of the Oolite ships at least "more ideal" in my opinion.
While it's not ideal, I rather like the Cobra Mk III. It's a good little all-around ship, and I think about the best default choice unless it was possible to have more than one ship. If it was either just a little faster or a little tighter on turns, it'd be close enough to ideal so far as my tastes are concerned. I've tried some others, but I usually come back to the Cobra MK III.
Sleep? Who needs sleep? Got game. No need sleep.